diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: MPP Solar LV2424 kicks butt!!!

    I would love some help on my set up from anyone please. I’m getting no solar charge. I’m running 4 12v batteries and 8 100w of solar run in series and parallel.
  • Post in thread: Power wall in van build

    Could you give me a little more guidance on the BYD banks, please? I’ve already ordered two. Are there any threads discussing their issues? @Supervstech
  • Post in thread: Please help mpp LV2424 not charging

    I’m thinking that it is. So at this point I am trying to figure out how to wire the array to lower my voltage.
  • Post in thread: Please help mpp LV2424 not charging

    I’ve been working on trying to get a charge the last few days with little success and am pretty confused on why I am getting volts reading but no power into my charge controller I think it may have something to do with settings but am quite unsure. Could someone please lend some advice?
  • Post in thread: Check for correctness?

    So I’m running a 24v system. Shown are: -negative and positive bus -Mpp all-in-one 2400 watt pure sine wave inverter with 80amp charge controller -24v-12v converter -AC and DC distribution panel I’m running 4 100ah 12v batteries in series and parallel. Is there anything I’m missing/doing wrong...
  • Post in thread: Please help mpp LV2424 not charging

    Thanks for your reply, It is powered by 4 100ah 12v lithium ion batteries. I originally booted it off of the batteries. And my settings are as follows
  • Post in thread: MPP all in one with Tesla cell?

    I’m really hoping to match the mpp all in one with a Tesla cell and was wondering if they’re even compatible and if it is, if I should/could connect a battery balancing system. SOS...
  • Post in thread: Please help mpp LV2424 not charging

    This is my array set up
  • Post in thread: MPP Solar LV2424 kicks butt!!!

    I don’t have anything going into the unit what so ever. I have 8 solar panels and it gave me a reading of 80 volts when I had all of them plugged in. I was running two 400 watt arrays in parallel getting 80volts. I ended up unplugging two of the panels, leading me to have a total of two 300 watt...
  • Post in thread: MPP Solar LV2424 kicks butt!!!

    What I’m wondering is how my array went from being 80volts to 28??
  • Post in thread: Power wall in van build

    Good morning. I’m planning to use the mpp all-in-one solar charger and inverter with 2 24v byd powerwalls in my van build and I’m wondering if I should run them in series and run as a 48v system or In parallel as a 24v system.

diy solar

diy solar