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  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    Inverter came in today, says neutral and ground are bonded inside, so I'll just run ground to the frame or to one of the other grounds if I mount by panel.... which I'm thinking I'm not going to do now, its came w/ 4 awg wires, I ran 6, and the OEM is all 6awg, so to use it at its full potential...
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    Kinda 50/50 at this point I may still try the original plan as I think my small loads ??‍♂️ Won’t be pushing the system, and the point of neutral to Ground could be an issue also, it’s the Renogy 1000w btw.... I do/will def be testing it’s limits, like if I’m blowing fuses, temp of the wires etc
  • Post in thread: Solar edge inverter (adding panels)

    Guess I’ll start panel shopping, the original ones are new, but I found a local guy who gets mixed panels on pallets from somewhere and just repairs/resells them, I bought two lg 330w panels a few days ago for 130 each just for a small project at dads house. Wondering if I can skip the middle...
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    Thanks for all the tips guys, just ended up putting the inverter right next to the battery, 20' away would have been to much loss and expensive, now I just run a cord from here to my 50amp plug, works great so far, now to upgrade my battery...... PS: Have two 100w panels on roof
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    All the wires are stock/oem which is 6awg, the only two wires I’m adding are also 6awg, the only fuse I’ll be adding is a 220amp between the battery and supply to the inverter, the breaker should handle the output of inverter I think? (15 or 20amp breaker)
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    Thanks for the info, the oem wires are about 15' from the batteries, I think I'll be ok as I only plan on running the tv and a small fan, if I were to run anything like a coffee pot I would def turn everything else off. I'm going to test everything before I seal everything back up just to make...
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    So I'm thinking of wiring a 1000w inverter from the wires from the charger. (splicing into he positive to the actual panel, and neg on the bus bar) Reason being this seems to be the easiest and cheapest way, at least in my head at the moment. Plan is to switch off the charger at breaker when I...
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    Sketch is a bit "sketchy"! So what I have so far as you can see in pics hopefully, a splice just inserted along w/ the red wire right above fuses, and one from the bus bar, those will go to the inverter. If you follow those back they both also connect to the charger. Then I'll wire inverter to a...
  • Post in thread: Solar edge inverter (adding panels)

    So the “open ports” I had were where the pos/neg go into the shut off switch. Panel wires come in from bottom right 2pos 2neg and a ground. So to add more panels I’d just have to splice in up on my existing panels correct? Or can I use those two open terminals?
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    Just ordered some 60amp fuses, but this is what I based the 200amp from, I’ll post how it all works tomorrow or weds after I get it all wired up
  • Post in thread: Solar edge inverter (adding panels)

    I have a grid system, 9kwh.... grid tie solar edge inverter, (12k) i hit 7-8k max so I was thinking of adding a few more panels. I have solar world 290’s with “maximizes” so my ? Is, I think I have another input for a second string in the inverter, can I just add any set of panels I want, and...
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    I think I’ll be upgrading the wires, but if the stock wires are 6awg I’d have to replace the whole bit to make the 2’ I’m adding to splice in effective? Either way I’ll be testing.... I think the tv is only 150w, and a small fan should keep me under 200w 99% of the time, I will test higher loads...
  • Post in thread: Wiring inverter from charger wires?

    I do have an empty box w just my solar charge controller I could put in there and then just run a cord to my 50amp plug ? probably safer this way! Thanks for the tip, also avoid warranty issues if any ever come up
  • Post in thread: Solar edge inverter (adding panels)

    Interesting, and as most solar "guys" are like used car salesmen the installers are not to far off........ in full Fl Sun, I generally hit 8500w max. So you think think its worth wiring it up correctly at this point, or just add a few more panels? I was thinking of moving my 10 west facing...
  • Post in thread: Solar edge inverter (adding panels)

    Thanks George, sounds like I have to research more of my actual setup etc, I’ll open it up and post some more pics if I recall correctly all my panels went into two of the 4 availible “ports” So its seems its not as simple as just adding more panels to the other two.... My plan is adding a few...

diy solar

diy solar