diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant and EPever compatability

    So I checked with the DEV of SA. EPever support is planned long term.
  • Post in thread: REVO and bypass? Is it possible?

    When my REVO smcih 100-5,5 kw-48v is overloaded, it completely shutdowns the electricity in the circuit while showing 05 fault. It then takes a while to reset on its own. Does the REVO has a function in settings to enable bypass? A friend of mine has REVO too and he is telling me that when his...
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant update - grid use

    Hello, I have installed the latest update of SA. Right after reboot, it started to show use of grid eventhough there is no reason to use grid. Prior to the update, this was never like this. Grid would only be used if battery reached certain voltage or if set to pul or pal in the inverter...
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant and EPever compatability

    Hello, Greetings from Czech Rep./ Europe. I have SUNSTONE Revo II with Solar Assistant PI for one solar string and EPever MPPT for 2nd solar string. The EPever is connected to my battery pack (12,9 kWh). The 1st solar string is connected to SA and all works fine. I am buying ebox wifi 01 to...
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant - Now Supports SRNE Hybrid Inverters

diy solar

diy solar