diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: fogstar battery rcd trips

    received battery back and working as should for now,?
  • Post in thread: fogstar battery rcd trips

    sorry misterB its an already built battery from fogstar rack,i didnt assemble ,was meant to be plug and play which it was basically apart from a couple of settings,just a solar newb this year so not alot of knowledge on this!??
  • Post in thread: export meter

    thats what i thought about the sdm120 but they emailed the other day to say i had 2 meters and would like pictures of both to sort things out,already been exporting and getting paid from them then all of sudden want photos of meter,might be because they got more power back as had problem with...
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    one just now,its money side of things for now,just wanted to see if that fills up first along with usual loads from house then get another!
  • Post in thread: fogstar battery rcd trips

    SeaGal the battery has a dc breaker built in ,thats whats tripping,spoke to fogstar theyre going to run through a couple of things with me settings wise when i get in from work.Thanks for replys and will inform of outcome from Ben,?
  • Post in thread: Seplos BMS parameter settings, Please HELP!

    i had similar error on a solis inverter when battery reached 100% error,turned out to be the float charge was too high,adjusted down and seemed to fix the problem.
  • Post in thread: turning solar inverter off and on

    thanks for replys,just most online instructions and conversations iv had saying always dc then ac.?
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    Noticed the fogstar rack battery is saying end of june now,is this for new purchases only?? as already purchased about a month ago!!
  • Post in thread: fogstar battery rcd trips

    Awaiting redelivery of battery as they arranged pickup the other week,says problem solved dc breaker faulty but also said not had any other dc breaker problems from theyr batterys which i dont beleive im the only one,no over heating just tripping dc breaker all the time.
  • Post in thread: fogstar battery rcd trips

    think i mightv found problem,connected to pbms tools and there was 2 cells undervoltage- unbalanced cells,percefered and got them balanced and seems to be back to normal for now!!
  • Post in thread: export meter

    il take another look at the smart meter ,think its one of the first ones quite old!
  • Post in thread: export meter

    just a quick wee question about what meter should be used to read the export ??- the elmlite or sdm120ct??leccy company want photos of both meters for some reason!!the meters do say different readings but not by much -couple of kw.
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    Hi me again,recently installed fogstar rack battery to silis 3.6 hybrid inverter,battery shows to be connected in app,CAN connected,woke this morning to battery down to 38% and solar going to grid not battery?? any help appreciated on settings.Also set battery to pylon in bms tool first then...
  • Post in thread: Battery cable

    Hi ,me again,after some advice from here iv installed a fused isolator switch between inverter and battery,now battery terminals about 3m away from inverter,is it ok to wire battery to isolator with 40mm2 cable then 25mm2 from isolator to inverter.Only 1 5kw battery installation just now,am i...
  • Post in thread: export meter

    thanks for reply,doesnt look like my smart meter shows export so ,they will work it out.
  • Post in thread: Solis App - not fit for purpose

    since my update last week to app,infact it updated twice in a week,readings have been all over the place,i know people dont think much of the app but i didnt havenproblems until recently with it!!??
  • Post in thread: Battery cable

    think the battery has 125a breaker,the isolator 160,according to inverter manual max charge and discharge is 62.5 if that what you mean?.
  • Post in thread: Battery cable

    only reason i ask this is the inverter has those quick connect plugs,so if i upgrade cable i would need those put on if possible,dont even know if you can purchase those !!
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    Thanks Urge38,will look at inverter settings when i get in from work,the app showed battery light up and did discharge a very small amount,it was last thing at night,then this morning its greyed out but shows still there and charge has gone down!!
  • Post in thread: Battery cable

    ahh thanks steinman?
  • Post in thread: fogstar battery rcd trips

    Hi,before i email ben at fogstar ,just wondering if anyone has had this problem of the fogstar rack battery rcd switches off and i get a no battery error on the solis inverter,been working fantastic all summer after an update and few tweaked settings from ben then this bad weather with no...
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    Contacted ben at fogstar and hes sent the solis update file to update and i was using the rs485 or whatever number rather than the CAN cable??? but all is charging and discharging,but need another battery as full just now and still sending power back to grid?,thanks ben and all in here who...
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    thanks for replys,where would be the best place to source 4m battery cables and what size is recomended to connect the fogstar battery as need longer cable to reach where battery going to be thanks.Uk suppliers preferably??
  • Post in thread: Battery cable

    thanks for that @rhino? did wonder that,makes sense now.
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    not going to rush into anything thats why im asking questions and on forums reading,this is diy forum so,but any guidance and help much appreciated,have a solis 3.6 hybrid mcs certified and most of energy getting exported,thats why i got the battery,not easy finding sparky to connect...
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    Thanks SeaGal and Urge38,as said before all info appreciated and not going to rush.just didnt like exported energy but if battery fills i will definately get another as got the rack unit aswell!!
  • Post in thread: turning solar inverter off and on

    turning solis inverter back on after turning all isolators off ac first then dc ,is it right you turn it all on in reverse starting with dc isolator then the ac isolator,just getting mixed advice and conversations about it??
  • Post in thread: fogstar battery rcd trips

    i just let them charge and they evened out themselves,overdischarge 20 and forcecharge 18,i watched on bms tools as they came back in line but tripped again today when charging from solar when was at work!! sorry the battery has built in dc breaker which tripped,received an undervoltage battery...
  • Post in thread: Help us design a rack-mounted system for the UK

    do i still need to turn off ac and dc isolators before connection of battery to inverter then turn breaker on for battery??,received rack and battery today,thanks,just need to connect now.
  • Post in thread: Battery install

    Can someone please post the proper steps to take when adding a new battery to an already installed 4.2 grid tied solar hybrid dc switch and ac switch and so on ??
  • Post in thread: Battery install

    Its a solis hybrid inverter,the battery has the plug and play sockets on aswell as inverter,is it just switch consumer unit off,ac switch off,dc switch off then connect quick plugs to battery and inverter??then switch back on in reverse??
  • Post in thread: Battery cable

    as said before battery terminal is not quite 3mtr away from inverter terminal in loft the cable will come through ceiling into cupboard where battery is which isnt built yet(cupboard) but will be and connected to fused dc isolator then onto battery,its the coldest room in house during winter,as...

diy solar

diy solar