diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Anyone gamble on a Bluetti mystery box?

    I haven't tried a Bluetti mystery box myself, but I've heard quite a bit about them. It seems like a thrilling idea, almost like a mini adventure in a box. However, I've also heard that sometimes what you receive might not be exactly what you were hoping for. It's like a game of chance where you...
  • Post in thread: Lithium battery build questions

    I recently upgraded the battery in my travel trailer and went the DIY route with LiFePO4 cells. You’re right, balancing the cells before putting them in series is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. I used a 12V DC power supply adapted to a variable DC power supply for this purpose...
  • Post in thread: Garage door opener

    We've had some experience with fixing our garage doors, and for solar-powered solutions within a $1000 budget, it's worth considering systems that integrate both a solar panel and battery backup. You might want to check out gate opener models that can be adapted for garage doors or look into DIY...
  • Post in thread: Factory second hand batteries

    Returns can definitely be a headache for sellers, but sometimes, they can work out in our favor as buyers. I've had good experiences buying second-hand factory items, especially from places like Amazon, with warranties. I recently visited a flea market in Sacramento and saw some great deals on...
  • Post in thread: BTC on Binance US

    To short sell Bitcoin on Binance US, you'll need to follow these steps: Start by logging in to your Binance US account. Then, go to the "Trade" section and choose "Futures." Look for "Bitcoin (BTC) Perpetual Futures" and select it. Now, click on "Sell/Short" to initiate a short position. Specify...
  • Post in thread: Cryptic Crypto- How can I make $5 per day efficiently?

    Making $5 a day in the crypto world might seem like a challenge, but it's definitely doable with the right approach. Have you ever considered leveraging tools like to optimize your trading strategy? Integrating advanced technology could help identify profitable...
  • Post in thread: New house, need power!!

    I recently helped a friend set up a similar solar system for their off-grid cabin. It can be a bit tricky, but it’s definitely doable. Your setup looks solid, especially with the panels wired in pairs to manage the current. I think isolating two pairs during peak production in summer is a smart...

diy solar

diy solar