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  • Post in thread: RockPals 300W PS - Not working

    Yes, they replaced the unit for me, but I am more concerned about why it happened. I would hate for the 2nd unit to fail when I needed it.
  • Post in thread: RockPals 300W PS - Not working

    I have tried it with a load on and no turns on for a few seconds and just turns off. I contacted rock pals and they said nothing about updates...I just sent a video of what was happening and they sent a new unit. So they offered me no other solutions. Didn’t even ask for the old unit back.
  • Post in thread: RockPals 300W PS - Not working

    Hi, First time post, not sure if this is the right location for this. I have a RockPals 300W PS that is only staying on for about 3 seconds and then shuts off. It happens with the lights and each power option. Has anyone else experienced this...the unit is less than a year old. Thank you.
  • Post in thread: RockPals 300W PS - Not working

    I have only charged the station with AC maybe twice...I like to charge it will the solar panel. I haven't noticed any over charging, the unit stops charging at 12.6 volts, at least that's what the display reads. Right now the unit is at 11.9 volts and won't stay on. Appreciate the help.

diy solar

diy solar