diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: The biggest solar-plus-storage project in the US just came online.

    Still kind of interesting, but nobody bothers to mention maintenance overhead either. I'm guessing it might be higher than generators. God help you if you need to dismantle it. Compare it to: That will not take 10 acres of real...
  • Post in thread: What's so bad about selling to utility wholesale?

    Because they want to charge you to give them your power? As long as there is no cost to me, I'm fine with it. In fact if it would just cover my meter charge ($20/mo here), that would be fine. Some people are saying their LPC's are a little goofy about taking their power. Keeping in mind the...
  • Post in thread: Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Sort of, Tesla just opened it up to the public domain, and removed all restrictions on the use of all the surrounding tech. Which they should have done to start with, but I think they were waiting until they had most of the bugs worked out with the specs. AND had their build-out of their...
  • Post in thread: EG4 18KPV - What not to do in parallel

    Since it works exactly as advertised correctly cabled. I can vouch that I was not aware of this particular issue. Not sure what the issue is when there isn't one.
  • Post in thread: Is 48v the biggest bank I can get?

    48v generally does not break down skin resistance to the point it will kill you. But a 45W poe port can put up a nice arc and start a fire... Ask me how I know. I've also seen a poe switch start smoking because of issues on the 48v side of the house. You can short a 3v sub-c nicad for...
  • Post in thread: The biggest solar-plus-storage project in the US just came online.

    Mostly because of two reasons. The anti-nuke lobby does whatever it can to make nuclear as expensive as possible so they can point and say "see this is too expensive". We have not been good about simply improving proven designs (See reason 1). You need a template design that is reasonable...
  • Post in thread: RuiXU battery experiences

    It's under the NDA...
  • Post in thread: 14.4 KW solar, 40.96 kWh backup, 2 solark 15k inverters, off grid family home, doable or delusional?

    18KW of panels may not cut it with an EV unless you plan on frequenting those charging stations frequently 🤪 . I have right at 18 now, going to push up closer to 23, that should provide the edge I need to get over the hump. The problem is not zero days its extended periods of low...
  • Post in thread: LFP for EV's projected to be less than $56 per kWh within 6 months

    Um, not the way I see it. First of all the difference between motor cost of an EV vs an ICE is fairly nominal, assuming you have only *one* so ~$2500 vs ~$3000 maybe. Unlike a hybrid which has a very small ~50-75HP motor, an EV is going to bump it up to ~200HP which makes life more...
  • Post in thread: Ive had solar for a year and now the utility company charges a demand fee... not cool.

    You should work on that. . . At -5F I think you could handle all-electric with the right HVAC equipment, depends on how much lower than that you need to go. Some of the guys here are probably darn close, to the 1 or 2 days of supplemental power, but indeed, from time to time solar power is...
  • Post in thread: EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    Great minds or something. This is my plan if I grid tie. I will bring a load side 2AWG in and tie it to the inverter bus
  • Post in thread: Volkswagen, Porsche, and Audi finally say they will use Tesla’s EV charging plug

    I really don't think there is really a huge cost add-on for the ultra-fast charging stuff, most of that is absorbing the R&D for the designs. Once the assemblies are cookie-cutter costs drop dramatically, it's not like there are any esoteric materials or engineering in these electrical devices...
  • Post in thread: Thoughts on this article?

    I agree, and so does Leonard Nimoy: (5) Leonard Nimoy Predicts An Ice Age Back In 1979. Fascinating! - YouTube
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Time is Wrong - only the Dashboard

    CST is GMT-6, So something is set to use GMT. I don't use SA, but your browser will send it's timezone to a web application. So if some things are ok, and one thing is off by my GMT offset, I'm guessing the incorrect screen is using the local time setting. If it's on a box you built the...
  • Post in thread: Is there a reason to not get bifacial panels?

    Hmm. Depends on who's selling the panel apparently. So what is your peak? Without a side by side actual cost / wh comparison it's really hard to tell, though.
  • Post in thread: 3 phase to a 2 Phase Eg4 18kpv Inverter

    I find this amusing & true. I was working in the MDF at work after he mis-wired my effing brand new UPS outputs to a short blowing a board. I stuck a meter on the feed got something like 215, I said "215, seems OK", and got a "That's low it should be 240" response. I had just watched him pull...
  • Post in thread: EG4 6000XP instead of Victron? Thoughts Welcome.

    But did we look at WHY he switched: "The EG4s were doing a decent job. In example last July my solar system produced 2 megawatts with the EG4 6500ex inverters, which was outstanding. They just were not very dependable and I couldn't leave the house knowing there was not remote capability to...
  • Post in thread: 18kpv Issues

    (PLATE INFO) 2010 should be modern enough to not cause major problems, but things do get more cantankerous as they get older. I had to replace my circa 2008 a little over a year ago; I wasn't ready to re-do everything, my unit is a roof mounted package unit, not like I can just tear it off and...
  • Post in thread: Ive had solar for a year and now the utility company charges a demand fee... not cool.

    'It is rather ironic that the hardest houses to take "Off Grid" are actually the all electric houses. Their electric power requirements are huge compared with houses that use some natural gas.' Indeed but if you are using NG you are only off the Electrical grid, not the Utility grid. So if...
  • Post in thread: Off topic, EV vehicle opinions…

    Tar and feathers for the people with the idea comes to mind.
  • Post in thread: New Battleborn "Lithium Power Pack 6500" for $9,999

    Actually the Generacs are not that noisy. I wouldn't call them quiet, but not particularly loud, my brother has a big one on the side of his house, you don't really hear it inside.
  • Post in thread: What Mini-Split did you use, and Why?

    TOU load shifting. Summer juice is $0.30 1PM to 8PM. 0.08 other times. Charge up 100% use batteries from 1-8. Or even 4-8. Of course I live in phoenix..and now i my panels go nuts from 1000-1600 but If it was going to be a crappy cloudy rainy day (Bwhwhahaahahaha) ... For me I think this...
  • Post in thread: EG4 18kPV Q+A general thread

    My whiskers are twitching. I'll guinea pig anything. I updated with my phone last time, which I find annoying but doable.
  • Post in thread: PV generation stopped after smart meter installation

    Does your setup have a 'critical loads' panel, or do you just backfeed everything to the grid tie and absorb whatever you need from there? If the latter there should be a tie point somewhere that you should be able to follow all the way back to your inverter. If so inclined turn off your...
  • Post in thread: Where is my power going?

    How exactly does the BMS kick in and prevent you from overcharging the batteries? The ones i've seen have a relay, and it should be on when the battery is "ON". There are two voltages in the inverter settings because the inverter/charger is supposed to be monitoring the voltage to the...
  • Post in thread: Why do powmr sell their units so cheap now?

    They did not appear to be refurbished. I paid ~700 each for them. Also the cut-out holes were too small for the recommended wire sizes. The PV screw lugs required a very small screwdriver, just lot's of poor implementation, and weak firmware or engineering. You get what you pay for, and if...
  • Post in thread: Luxpower LXP6K vs EG4 6000XP

    Do you have any reasonably current data to back up this statement? My 50A EG4 will start my 4T goodman, and has been demonstrated pushing over 60A before it safely shuts itself down. There are people on here that have been running HF inverters for quite a long time. These new HF AIO's seem...
  • Post in thread: EG4 18KPV - What not to do in parallel

    Make sure it's an ethernet crossover 1-2 <> 3-5 and 5-4 <> 7-8 as shown in the photo. I would also be curious to see this, I'd not be surprised to see similar behaviors, my guess is all the hardware that does all this sync stuff is pretty similar.
  • Post in thread: December PV starting off crappy again.

    Ditto, but in a few months when it hits 105-120 things will change. Broken clouds yesterday, three loads of laundry and a car charge batteries over 90% at EOD. Sun starting to come up, batteries still over 50%. Springtime is lovely.