diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: JBD/Xiaoxiang BMS Apps List

    There are so many apps for the Jiabaida (JBD)/XiaoXiang BMS, I thought it might be helpful to post them all to one thread. Here are free the ones I've found so far. iOS: This is the official app, linked directly from the manufacturer,'s support page...
  • Post in thread: New JBD BMS compatible Bluetooth App

    Sorry, it turns out that the remaing runtime is only shown in one of the official apps on Android. I've linked a list of the free apps I found here: Take a look at my description of the first Android app. I'm still working on...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    I just got mine booted up yesterday. When it's charging, the amps display is just wandering all over the place. I have my charger set to 20A, and my ammeter shows a rock stable 20.2A going into the BMS. But both the iOS and Android apps show the current wandering between 6-30A. And sometimes...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    Sorry, didn't see where you said the voltage was ascending on the balance leads in your first post. But I'm puzzled, you said the pack voltage is perfect.. how many cells do you have in series? The pack voltage depicted in your screenshot is correct based on the number of cells it sees, but it's...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    OK, but your screen shot above says 37.44V. Sorry, I'm out of ideas. The only time I've seen missing cells was when I was, like you, redoing some connections, and I inadvertently swapped 2 of the balance leads.
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    Hi, does anyone know if it's OK to parallel the Heltec/JK BMS? I want to build 2 16S packs, each w/ a BMS, and then parallel the packs. I read JBD's spec sheet, and it seems to specifically parallel BMS w/ this statement: "Direct parallel connection of batteries is not supported (there is the...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    test the voltage at each lead and make sure it's ascending. i think you might have swapped a pair
  • Post in thread: MPPSolar PIP-LV-MK Questions

    I have a 3048PIP-LV-MK, and am having 2 issues with it. 1) Is it supposed to be able to charge from the grid in SBU mode when there isn't any solar energy coming in? The display shows it charging, but no current is sent to the battery unless I switch it to UCB or SUB mode 2) It can't run down...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    Not sure what you mean by calibrate.. calibrate which parameter? I have two of these units, JK-B1A20S15P, and they both behave exactly the same way, using the JK BMS app on iOS, and the Enjpower app in Android (makes sense, since the jitter is triggering stuff like overcurrent/undervoltage, so...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    Are you kidding me? Why do they give you separate manual switches if it's bad to use them? That's a really stupid design. The reason I had the charge FET turned off is because I was discharging through a new inverter whose settings I'm not familiar with, and I wanted to make sure that it...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    The vid clip is of charging. It also does it while discharging. So yours wanders similarly? I just want to make sure this is normal behavior. Thanks.
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    Oops, I'll change the name of the clip, yes, it's JK-B1A20S15P
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    Sorry, my bad. I took a few vids yesterday. you're right, the one I uploaded was discharge, but charging is similar. I'll check again later today see if it's actually a bit less on charging.
  • Post in thread: Off-grid Solar / Battery monitoring and control freeware

    Hi, this is a really cool project, and I hope to contribute to it. I've got most of it working, but am stuck on how to get prometheus to automatically launch on boot. The cheatsheet says: "Add prometheus to systemctl so they start automatically at boottime" How do I do that? TIA
  • Post in thread: New JBD BMS compatible Bluetooth App

    Actually, the stock latest JBD app also displays remaining runtime. If you want to push to the cloud, you're going to have to tether it to an ESP32 or Raspberry Pi. Check out this thread I am also...
  • Post in thread: app for new ant BMS

    There are a couple of Android apps here: No iOS, though
  • Post in thread: app for new ant BMS

    You should search the forum before posting. iOS app:
  • Post in thread: MPPSolar PIP-LV-MK Questions

    Drops to what value? I don't see a setting to tell it at what voltage to start charging. When the battery is at 45V, it refuses to charge from the grid, unless I switch it out of SBU mode, even though the LCD clearly shows that it's supposed to be charging Yes, I know they're supposed to be...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    Yes, it's still wanders when the balance is off. Oh, another question, does yours run really hot? Mine is rated at 150A continuous, 300A surge. I was pulling ~40A last night, and the MOS temperature was around 71C, which is well below the 90C default cut off in the app, but the thing was so...
  • Post in thread: Kinda Urgent: I have choice of MPP Solar 3048LV-MK -or- GroWatt 3000-S. Which should I take? Same cost.

    I did some research on this.. the 2W value for Growatt is misleading... that's in standby, so the inverter is off. What's more important for most people is the idle power consumption.. when the unit is on, but no current is being drawn. I found out that both the Growatt and MPPSolar units list...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    Thanks for posting the explanation. OK, I was finally able to test this today. Sure enough, if I turn off the charging MOSFET while the discharge MOSFET is on, and large current is being drawn, the MOS temperature increases rapidly. Turning the charging FET back on instantly causes the...
  • Post in thread: Heltec (JK) 200A Smart BMS with 2A Active Balance

    @ Thanks, interesting scenario that I hadn't thought of. But since you say proper BMS settings/fuses can protect from damage in this scenario, it's not problem, because this sort of situation is precisely why I want to use 2 parallel packs instead of one big pack. When a pack has an issue, I...