diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable so these are the solar panels im using and I was planning on having 4 of them connected in series. (that´s what their customer service recommended) But if I do that then the Voltage will multiply right? So it...
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Hi, Hope this hasn´t been answered somewhere already but I couldn´t find it. Currently I´m building a 400W solar power system with 200Ah LiFePO battery (12V). I was wondering what gauge wire I should use for grounding the system to chassis? My system is positioned next to one of the wheel...
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Okay thanks for your help guys!
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    What´s your opinion on this?
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Would either of these be viable options for grounding my system? I´m trying to avoid putting too many lugs onto my Battery terminal. (i would have 4 lugs on my negative terminal if I do it the way I asked you guys before) I added the first design too. What do you think of these options?
  • Post in thread: Need help with connecting in parallel

    I have a problem with connecting my panels in parallel. It´s not about the concept of how to do it, I understand that. My problem is more mechanical. (If that´s the way to put it.) I want to connect them in the pattern that is shown in the attached image. The problem is that the cables are...
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    I have a 700W Renogy inverter. I thought the AC ground goes to the Inverter and then is transfered via the ground connection on the inverter? (This renogy inverter doesn´t have any high amp connections only two plugs for AC appliances. What do you mean by a total picture? I posted some pictures...
  • Post in thread: Need help with connecting in parallel

    Will having the extensions reduce the efficiency of my array?
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Yes, FB is fuse box. I know this diagram is not super easy to read. I just made it for myself so I know what all the short cuts are. :D
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    yes, I was planning on wrapping all terminals with electrical tape.
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Yea I would probably be able to squeeze another wire through the same inlet box that my solar wires are going through. But if I could do it just by getting a few adapters to do 2s2p and saving myself worrying about grounding I´d rather do that. There´s nothing on the roof itself that would...
  • Post in thread: Need help with connecting in parallel

    Okay, thanks for the help guys. Gonna look around and see if its cheaper to make my own or buy pre-made. I suspect making my own would be more expensive since I don´t have the MC4 crimper.
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    okay thats interesting. So if I cover the box with a corrugated roof it will let a good amount of heat escape from the sides?
  • Post in thread: is grounding light switches necesary?

    This is not purely related to solar power but I´ve run into this building the elctrical system for my van. I have this rocker switch and it has 3 terminals. + appliance ground I was wondering if it is really necessary to ground the switch. It would cost me a lot in extra wire so I would like...
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    By this do you mean the MPPT and Inverter should be mounted upright and not sideways like I have them? And what does 90 deree wire mean?
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    hi again, i´ve decided to go with 4s1p and grouding the frame since thats how they are set up already. Is there any intructions online i can follow for grounding them?
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Yes I am not using the vehicle chassis for any return paths. I have my whole system (all the parts in the diagram) in a wooden box so there is no way it will make any connections with the chassis. Refer to the image: The battery system will be located next to the wheel well and I was planning...
  • Post in thread: is grounding light switches necesary?

    Yes, DC 12V.
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    @Hedges Okay. Thanks for clarifying that. I will check the manual. I was thinking of leaving the top open. I´m just a little worried about the possibility of water getting in there somehow.
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable if I understand this correctly I have to select the size of the fuse closest to my battery? In my case that would be the main fuse (labeled "MF" in my diagram) It´s 70 amps. So my wire should be 10AWG?
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Would it be okay for me to set up the grounding like this? How can I calculate the wire gauges for the inverter and solar charge controller ground wires?
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Thanks this is very helpful!
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    So here are two pictures of how I attached all my panels together. They are all attached together with two aluminum L-struts. I hope its possible to see in the pictures. I was thinking of drilling a whole into the aluminum part of the frame so that I can attach the ground wire directly using a...
  • Post in thread: AWG for Battery ground cable

    Thank you this was really helpful! I just finished my battery system today. (Not connected to anything yet though. Could ou take a look at the pictures and tell me what you think? All wires are 4AWg except the ones running to the inverter since it came with 6AWG wires I just trimmed those...

diy solar

diy solar