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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: EBC-A40L - "No Device" in PC software

    I tried the language settings but it didn't help. I've been testing all day today and the problems always start after about 15 minutes. First, the data refresh rate drops, and after a few minutes it starts losing connection. As if the software had a problem with writing data or reading data from...
  • Post in thread: EBC-A40L - "No Device" in PC software

    I have a problem with the EB program. I have already tried on 3 computers with Windows 10 and XP. The program connects to the tester, I create a test program, run the test and at first everything is fine. After a while, the current and voltage readings start to go crazy. Everything is fine on...
  • Post in thread: EBC-A40L - "No Device" in PC software

    The same moment. Few minutes later.
  • Post in thread: EBC-A40L - "No Device" in PC software

    I tried different versions of the program. It seems that the program is losing connection with the tester. Sometimes it incorrectly indicates only the voltage or current, sometimes both parameters are incorrect, and Ah continues to count. Today I tried to do a cyclic test. The beginning was...

diy solar

diy solar