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  • Post in thread: Eve 100ah cells for $25?

    Hello guys, so im getting into commercial battery pack assembly and im in the process of prototyping and identifying components etc. One of the trusted vendors here is quoting $24 per eve LF100 100ah cell. Seems kinda low and I'd hate to ship duds across continents. Is that pricing close to...
  • Post in thread: Eve 100ah cells for $25?

    Thanks for the input, I should note these are alibaba prices. Also reached out to Eve themselves and they quoted me $26 for the same cells🤔
  • Post in thread: Eve 100ah cells for $25?

    Interesting. Are the problems like capacity wise or general cell quality? Im sort of limited to 100ah cells in providing a competitive low end product line( think 12v 100ah for $350-450)

diy solar

diy solar