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  • Post in thread: 48v Split Phase Stackable Inverter options?

    I'm not sure how I feel about the transformer to create the neutral, seems like another failure point with very bad consequences. I'm may be over thinking it.
  • Post in thread: 48v Split Phase Stackable Inverter options?

    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I wasn't aware that. I will look harder
  • Post in thread: 48v Split Phase Stackable Inverter options?

    Growatt has a stackable split phase? I will look into the others, thank you
  • Post in thread: 48v Split Phase Stackable Inverter options?

    Thank you very much, this is the kind of info I have been needing. I'm starting to think that I should go with a much larger inverter (12k) than I think I need so I don't have to worry about expansion
  • Post in thread: 48v Split Phase Stackable Inverter options?

    Thank you for all the suggestions. I have Not bought anything yet as my funds have been deplete by our current administration :( I do believe I want expandable due to me not knowing what kind of power requirements I may need in the future. I am thinking MPP, what are you thoughts on this brand?
  • Post in thread: 48v Split Phase Stackable Inverter options?

    I know Growatt has a 5kw that with a transformer can do split phase but what do you think about the transformer idea? I'm not sure what my complete load is going to be yet so expandable system would be great. Does a 48V split phase stackable exist? Something in the 5-6kw range?

diy solar

diy solar