diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: PowMr crashed router/internet while charging

    Hi all I have a very strange behavior. I use a PowMr 3200VA 24V connected to daly BMS and 24V battery. When I use the PowMr offgrid (without 220V input) all works just fine. But as soon as I charge the battery via utility source my internet router (Swisscom via cooper cable) looses internet...
  • Post in thread: PowMr crashed router/internet while charging

    I connected my oscilloscope and was a bit shocked about the AC noise it produces while charging the battery. Picture below (the first pic is without charging and by the way also the AC out running on battery is as smooth, the following pic are those while charging). The Swisscom router is...
  • Post in thread: PowMr crashed router/internet while charging

    Thanks for sharing your experience and fast reply. I do not have anything connected to AC Out on the inverter. I have it even turned off. I just start AC In and charging of battery and then internet goes down. Router is still up, but says no internet connection. I have an oscilloscope and will...
  • Post in thread: PowMR all in one or other brands

    Hi all some experience from my side with the PowMr 3000VA 24V. Charging from Solar Panel to Battery and AC out works fine and sinus wave of 230V is very smooth. However, when I charge the battery via AC in my internet router crashes. Just now I checked with an oscilloscope on AC in and...

diy solar

diy solar