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  • Post in thread: EASUN ISolar-SMX-II-5.6KP + Pylontech US3000C BMS comm error

    Hi guys, both ISolar-SMX-II-5.6KP-Wifi and connected to Pylontech US3000C. I'm using RS485 to talk to BMS. Also changed parameter 32 to BMS and 33 to PYL. My custom cable: ISOLAR <--> PYLON 7 RS485-A 7 8 RS485-B 8 Still getting error 58: BMS communication error.
  • Post in thread: EASUN ISolar-SMX-II-5.6KP + Pylontech US3000C BMS comm error

    Hi guys, both ISolar-SMX-II-5.6KP-Wifi and connected to Pylontech US3000C. I'm using RS485 to talk to BMS. Also changed parameter 32 to BMS and 33 to PYL. My custom cable: ISOLAR <--> PYLON 7 RS485-A 7 8 RS485-B 8 Still getting error 58: BMS communication error.

diy solar

diy solar