diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Chargeverter and Solar Assistant

    Yes was thinking about a Victron SS but was hoping someone may have figured out a way to show it on the solar side. I also have a micro-hydro I need to add in a few months and would like to see that power as well.
  • Post in thread: Chargeverter and Solar Assistant

    Does anyone know the best method to include the EG4 Chargeverter power on the Solar Assitant view? I would like the power provided from the Chargeverter to show on the power view.
  • Post in thread: Chargeverter and Solar Assistant

    Currently connected via the bus bar in the EG4 battery server rack. I thought about a direct BMS connection to SA but did not think that would show the chargeverter power add.

diy solar

diy solar