diy solar

diy solar

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  • RV solar set up....

    ok either i am not searching for the right thing or just a Moron lol... I have a magnum inverter in my RV... 50 amp charge from it when hooked up to shore power..... I want to install 800W of solar with a controller and 700ah of Lith when i am hooked up to shore power or start my Gen...
  • thoughts on used 10 year old panels..

    i found some listed in my area.. the back plate says they are 10 years old... how much performance will they have lost? has anyone purchased panels on Alibaba? they seem to have good prices there as well......?
  • delete

    i built 3 , 4 cell battery... independently they are 13.3 to 13.5 volts measured from pos to neg out on bms ... the min it parallel them all together i have 12.4 volts.... is this normal....
  • Bms for parallel 4 cell 12v

    I need a bms recommendation that will allow me to parallel 3 12v 4 cell 230 ah batteries I have all 3 on Daly and they are not working properly they will not shut off to stop over charger..
  • Calculating capacity on my new battery

    i just built my first battery... i have 4 230ah eve cells.. i top balanced to 3.65 i have a DALY 150 amp 4 cell BMS........ the app seems very accurate on voltage and watts..... once it had it all activated i ran a small inverter with a hair dryer on low.... the BMS said it held...
  • NEW eve cells

    these are the new EVE 230ah cells with that they called welded studs.... instead of welding a stud on they weld a threaded nutplate on..... you can see its welded......and appears to be alloy and not aluminum ... i org ordered welded studs and got these ugh... i hope they work... the supplier...
  • Not sure if i am causing my own problems with my batteries

    i built 3 230 ah batteries for my RV.. 230 ah cells 150A Daly BMS i had 2 installed the coach and everything seemed fine..... now with the 3rd installed things have gone weird today one cell in the middle battery over charged to 4.7 volts and swelled really bad... the BMS was set to...

diy solar

diy solar