diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    Here is the systemd service that's been working for me now for a few days: $ cat /etc/systemd/system/solar-monitor.service [Unit] Description=Solar Monitor [Service] Type=simple User=pi WorkingDirectory=/home/pi/solar-monitor ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    One last update, it doesn't seem like I can connect with the app while connected with the Pi. Also stopping the service does not appear to release the connection so I just sent a reboot over SSH to the Pi and was able to connect before the Pi finished rebooting. Once I was done changing some...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    I'll try to retype the instructions here tomorrow, including updates for the latest commit, and stuff I missed originally like moving or copying the example config. It was always my intention to update the original draft after answering questions because I knew I would miss a few steps. I'll...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    GENTLEMEEEEEN!!! Long time creeper, first time poster. Turns out there's another project that's working with a rebranded Renogy (or maybe Renogy is the rebrand). I got this working with an RPi zero w, at least for data reads not sure if I can change the load state. I did my best to write...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    Thanks for posting those numbers, I definitely see a couple of things I'm interested in changing; dropping boost time to 0, setting the temp coeff to 0, and changing my Boost Charge voltage back to 14.4v like it was this morning. Edit: Confirmed with the multimeter that the panels were...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    So I'm using MQTT, sending to OpenHab and persisting that to InfluxDB and Grafana is reading the data from InfluxDB to chart. There are multiple options to get a similar configuration, for instance I think everything is integrated with HomeAssistant if you went that direction. There is a...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    That works fine, it looks like the same model as mine.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    I wrote up the basic steps on Reddit: I was in a hurry trying to include everything and finish my setup before bed so it's a bit sloppy. Ask me any questions you have though. Based on questions I'll try to write up a better guide on this forum rather than sending people to a 2 year old Reddit...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    You shouldn't need to run as sudu, unless you sudu pip3 installed the requirements. If you did install the requirements with sudu, try reinstalling without and running the script without.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    Openhab is Java based and not what I would consider lightweight although I'm running it on a Pi3 Model B without any issue. I would recommend trying the Mosquitto -> Grafana route as you'll need both of those plus InfluxDB if you went with Openhab. Start by doing the four numbered steps I...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    The distance seems about the same. It's far more reliable in terms of easily establishing a connection than the DC Home app. I don't mind the Renogy BT app because you're forced to choose the device name when connecting so I know for sure I'm in range. It feels about the same as the Renogy BT...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    Json and threading were already present for me I think. Broker is your MQTT server, it's not necessary to get started just leave that part commented out until you figure out where you want your stats to go.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    Also what @aps1602 said is correct, make sure you've taken the .dist extension off of the ini file and edited it according to what you need. It's essentially an example meant to copy from so you don't get errors for things not present in your environment.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    With debug logs on I'm seeing some unknown values: DEBUG: mUnkown 246 243 => 63219 DEBUG: mUnkown 43 50 => 11058 DEBUG: mUnkown 59 242 => 15346 DEBUG: mUnkown 43 50 => 11058 DEBUG: mUnkown 77 50 => 19762 Compared to something known like: mVoltage 0 219 => 21.90000000000000 I know there are...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    Great! Good question about connecting with the app, I haven't tried it yet. When I ran the python script for the first time I think it generated a .service file you can install with systemd, I had to make a couple of changes to get it going, I'll post it later to help with auto starting the...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    The MAC is broadcasted from the BT1. You should be able to do a discovery either from a Pi, laptop, app on your phone, pretty much anything that will show you broadcasting Bluetooth devices. I thought Android showed the paired MAC, but I'm not seeing it. I'm fairly sure using one of the renogy...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    @SolarShed Finally added in the historical data for mqtt publishing and a couple of bug fixes. Are people still using solar-monitor? Seeing some folks using other scripts. I need to spend some time reviewing this topic because I saw someone saying there was a fix for the disconnect issues but...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    I think you're right about the modbus part, from what I can tell they're using a Texas Instruments Bluetooth to serial chip and just shipping that out over some of the defaults the TI chip offers. This is good documentation though, I think I can add some more debug lines into the script to try...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    Looking more into it, I think it's 95% my panel placement. I did an Isc test earlier and it was close enough to what I saw at the SCC. When I say direct sun I mean I have sun shining 75% on one of my panels, maybe 30% on the other one. I'm new to this whole thing and I didn't realize what a...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    I don't, I probably did on my Pi 3b though which is where I have Grafana running. Your screenshot is from a Windows computer, you should probably install Grafana on it, preferably in a docker container Do you run your windows...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    This started happening after I pulled the latest merge by Olen. Add an empty hostname value (like my username and password on MQTT) and it'll work.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    So keep in mind that I'm not the author of this software, I just stumbled on it while searching the BT-1 UUIDs that it exposed to my phone. They support a flavor of batteries though When I get a bit I'll dig through the classes and see if it looks like it...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    It seems like they support the same brand of batteries, the real question is does the BT-2 use the same UUIDs as the BT-1 because the Solar link ones appear to :
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    I'm not sure. Do you keep a desktop running? You could run docker containers with whatever you can't run on the Pi. My Zero W is basically dedicated to the Renogy and I have other resources to handle the rest.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Devices and Raspberry Pi - bluetooth/WiFi

    I'm collecting data via BT from a Pi in my house from a charge controller for my greenhouse in my backyard. Here is a screenshot of all the sensors I'm publishing from the charge controller. I'm reading the values using the project I mentioned in the Reddit comment and am writing those to my...