diy solar

diy solar

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  • Dual Victrons and panels in series to much voltage.

    So I've got (6) 445 solar panels, they are all currently in series parallel combination of 2 panels for a total of 3 strings. They are currently all running into a Victron 150/100 CC, 3 panels will max out the CC as far as amp output goes so I've ordered a 2nd 150/100 to help with my winter...
  • Single pole mount for 6 or 8 panel array

    Good afternoon all. I'm currently trying to find a top of pole mount for my array, currently (6) 445 CS panels but may move up to 8 before mounting. Its a single wooden pole and its needs to be tall (25ish feet) to reach the sun in the winter as my property is covered in Ponderosa pines. I'm...
  • Max charging amps for bigger banks

    This is a little outside my knowledge base, I have 6 lion energy 105ah lithium batteries, max charging is 100 amps per battery. They are in parallel so still all 12v. Is 100 amps still the ideal charge rate for this size bank or could one add more amps from a second charge controller to maximize...