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  • Post in thread: 48v RV Build Plan

    I am in the same position. I have purchased components to build a similar systems using 48V but finding a 16s 48V BMS is proving difficult. The ones I find that are in the US are usually for 18560 based cells and not the prismatic cells and their different voltage reqs. (I almost ordered one and...
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    I saw another voltage related ANT BMS thread but it was in the opposite direction. Voltages was lower. I have a magic BMS where the laws of physics dont apply and it can create extra voltage. Now that I think of it, maybe i actually got a bargain.
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    Just saw this buried in the eBay listing for this BMS .... Protection board calibration: 1. Single cell voltage calibration: You can adjust the "system reference voltage" (the default is about 3.0) to slowly increase the size of 0.001, turn down, you can change the unit voltage value until...
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    Hah. Yes, I set the proper cell count to 16 but I just discovered the "system reference voltage" line in the instructions. Very much the DieHard scenario. Going to try that now. Thanks. Stay tuned.
  • Post in thread: Top Balance Screw Up, How Bad?

    I have a similar-ish situation. I have 16 LiFePO4 176AH cells. I am starting out by doing a top balance following both Will's video and the Top Balancing Tutorial Since the cells were at a 3.26v (slight variation from cell to cell) when I got them, I tried to break them into groups of 4 12V...
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    I got the 10S-24S. Pretty slick unit. Ok, think the reference voltage was the key. I had it set to 3.2V (I originally thought it may have been referring to cell nominal voltage. Spoiler alert, it wasnt). I knocked it down to 3.0 (to drop the per cell voltage by .2V) and now the voltages line up...
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    Hah. Yeah. I guess it is like time zone thing. China +3V = US VDC. I'll let Wikipedia know.
  • Post in thread: Top Balance Screw Up, How Bad?

    I read the part about the BMS. I only have a 48v one so I just babysat the process and watched the monitor. I would imagine the BMS just would have cut off the charge as soon as the voltage spiked so I just did it manually. Unless we are talking about the BMS acting as a balancer? Thanks.
  • Post in thread: Top Balance Screw Up, How Bad?

    Apparently. The interesting thing is that it was a battery in the middle of the pack. You figure it would have been one of the end cells (although I have no legitamate basis for that assumption). Maybe I should test my theories on something other than $2,000 worth of lithium cells. :cry:
  • Post in thread: 48v RV Build Plan

    So I decided on a two-step plan to address my needs for a 48V 16s BMS. Step 1 (option for the impatient): Bought a DALY 48v BMS for LiFePO4 cells (watch out because many are for 18650 cells and if they arent programmable you will have voltage issues) off eBay from a US shipper $55. That gave...
  • Post in thread: Size matters..Growatt/LiFePO4 system build

    Thanks. Ian at Watts247 gave me that answer as well. Love the setup by the way. I feel like you may have a similar basement to me. Probably best for a different thread but the Growatt manual says not to mount it on a combustible surface (but my brick wall is uneven so plywood it is) ?
  • Post in thread: JK BMS Cell Count Problem on B2A24S20P

    Thanks @upnorthandpersonal & @Quattrohead. I will pull the connector and trouble shoot at that end, After 10+ years of marriage I tend to always just assume I am the problem, it would be great if this time the problem is actually on the other end, Stay tuned.
  • Post in thread: Top Balance Screw Up, How Bad?

    Makes perfect sense. Thanks.
  • Post in thread: JK BMS Cell Count Problem on B2A24S20P

    Thanks. I had a suspicion that might be the case because it might have also explained the slight discrepancy between the actual voltage shown on the multimeter at cell 15 and the BMS shown total voltage of the 15 visible cells. I guess now I am back to just troubleshooting why cell 16 is not...
  • Post in thread: Size matters..Growatt/LiFePO4 system build

    Question re your battery bank. According to the Growatt 48V SPF 3000TL LVM manual, it seems to say the that you can choose between AGM & FLD for the battery or if using lithium it seems to indicate you need to use a Growatt battery. It does not indicate settings for a generic LiFePO4 bank. Did...
  • Post in thread: JK BMS Cell Count Problem on B2A24S20P

    Checked pins and connectivity through the connector. All tested fine. Still no response from support or the vendor I bought it from ( about the "missing" cell. I just gave up and pulled out the JK BMS and went to an older ANT Smart BMS. My plan is to leave both BMS's...
  • Post in thread: JK BMS Cell Count Problem on B2A24S20P

    Greetings all. Long-time listener, infrequent caller. I have just received and installed a B2A24S20P for my 16s LiFePO4 setup. I also have a missing cell (and the alert that says cell count doesnt match setting). I redid the crimps on the wire on that cell and it did not resolve. The curious...
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    Greetings oh scions of solar. Virtuosos of voltage. Buffs of the BMS. I have a situation that is driving me wacky trying to troubleshoot. Perhaps someone has an idea for me ?- thanks in advance. My Setup: Growatt 48v SPF 3000TL LVM, 16s 176AH LiFePO4, ANT SMART BMS So after a month of waiting...
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    Assuming DMM is the mulimeter, no but the values is both inline with what the inverter said (the full bank voltage of 52-53V) and before I put in the ANT BMS I had a BattGO ISDT bg-8s attached to each 8 cells so I could see the individual cell voltages (since the DALY didnt have any such a...
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    Thats what I was hoping wasnt the next step :cry: I dont see this going well. Such a shame. This BMS showed so much promise. LCD screen, bluetooth, so many bells an whistles including 4 temp sensors and even the wiring harnesses felt like quality. Damn you flawed voltages. Too much to hope for...
  • Post in thread: ANT BMS VDC WTF? - Voltages dont match multimeter

    That is true. Thanks Bob.

diy solar

diy solar