diy solar

diy solar


October 31
Addison, TX
Guys, I got flagged for spam a few hours ago. Not spam. I had to use a protonmail account, because you blocked my yahoo. Just someone who wants to be more self reliant. I'm not an expert and want to learn from the people on this site and have the opportunity to ask questions. I have built PCs in the past, and am handy with electrical for common household items. I am good at doing research but it is always helpful to have a place to ask questions. I really would like to be able to participate here.
Current or Future Solar Power System
Please don't kick me for spam again, but I'm considering an EG4 6000XP, with a EG4 Powerpro battery. I intend to set up a critical loads panel so I can keep my emergency systems running. Will probably have a throw switch to flip critical from inverter to grid, if necessary. I'd also like to have a wire trough in order to manage the cables, etc


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    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.

diy solar

diy solar