diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Greetings all!

    I wanted to give you all a hello and I will be examining what is here for learning experience. I have been watching the videos and exploring options. Currently am waiting for parts for my first little baby setup to learn and play with. 100 Watt Solar Panel 2000 Watt Inverter 20 Amp Solar...
  • Post in thread: Suggestion on how to connect - small screws

    I am very new to this so I am building my first solar rig shortly. Attached is a picture of the battery terminal. Not very deep and has a very small screw. What is your recommendation on replacing this one and connecting to the terminals and then the wire endpoints appropriately.
  • Post in thread: Good quality Tools - must have

    I am curious if you have some good links/recommendations on tools a person should keep handy and around for doing this. I don't mind spending a few bucks more for a good tool versus a crap tool.

diy solar

diy solar