diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Balancing question - how long?

    (y)(y)(y)(y) guys, you were right! I crimped up some thicker cables with ring terminals and immediately the PSU jumped into the C mode! But: it also started singing! It makes a really high pitched sound. Reducing the amps reduces the sound so I am guessing pushing 10A is pushing the PSU to its...
  • Post in thread: Top Balancing using a PSU: is this exactly the other way around?

    Hi everybody, well I've been making slow but steady progress and reached the end of the process. Is it normal that when you let the battery rest for a while that the voltage drops? The power supply has spent about two hours hovering around the 3,65V and 0.02A mark, very very slowly decreasing...
  • Post in thread: Balancing question - how long?

    I've got a simple 4S 100Ah battery sitting on my table, waiting to be top balanced for the first time. I am a novice when it comes to this stuff, but I've done a lot of reading and researching and have downloaded the Tutorial about balancing LiFePO4 with a 10A power supply. I think I have a good...
  • Post in thread: Top Balancing using a PSU: is this exactly the other way around?

    I've got a simple 4S 100Ah battery sitting on my table, waiting to be top balanced for the first time. I am a novice when it comes to this stuff, but I've done a lot of reading and researching and have downloaded the Tutorial about balancing LiFePO4 with a 10A power supply. I think I have a good...
  • Post in thread: Balancing question - how long?

    I've gotto admit that I don't know what "switching the frequency" of a VFD from 4kHz to 15 kHz means... but I have a feeling that would mean opening the divice to make that sort of a change. If the cheap Amazon device I have would even allow for that. But good point on connecting the leads to...
  • Post in thread: Balancing question - how long?

    Many roads lead to Rome... The manual of my power supply unit say to set the values according to those steps. It lets you dial in the voltage and that is reflected on the LCD screen but if you just turn the amperage knob the LCD screen shows no change. Only when you "short" the leads do you see...

diy solar

diy solar