diy solar

diy solar

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  • How to set up small system for barn

    I’m trying to set up 100w panel with the battery and charge controller to heat water for my chickens and a light Do I need a power inverter? Can I connect the load to the battery without power inverter? How many loads I can connect with Small system What type of battery I need to buy? Thank you...
  • How low can the battery get?????

    My 12v 50 amp deep cycle battery it’s normally ( my system is just 1 week old) at 13.9 v but when I turn the inverter on with my load 50 watts load) right away gets to 12.1v, is this normal? It’s just started to get really cold , I have this battery in a battery box insulated but it’s outside I...
  • Wires problem?

    I have a mppt charge controller that I think I got the wrong one rated up to 40-60 amp ( looks like a cheap Chinese one, got it from amazon) but the holes to connect the wires from battery are small, I got a 4gauge stranded copper wire that I was going to use from battery to charge controller ...

diy solar

diy solar