diy solar

diy solar

Reality Wizard

July 8
Howdy y'all, I'm new to the solar scene, but have messed with some electronics on my own time, but am essentially a novice.

Looking to gain experience and knowledge about DIY solar installs, and frankly just what the best solar system is to go with for my situation, hopefully learning a lot along the way so I can apply that knowledge to my future.
Current or Future Solar Power System
Planning on building a system to support my house, need to power a 3-ton AC unit (critical in the Texas summer), but looking for the smallest footprint possible. Going to ideally have something that reduced my electric bill while allowing for a back-up during an outage.

I'm currently looking at a smaller solar array on my roof (around 5-7kW, depending on if I DIY or contract it out), a smaller inverter, but large enough to power the home (biggest thing I'm struggling with is determining how much power these dang inverters can actually output), and somewhere around 12kWh of batteries.


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diy solar

diy solar