diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Data extraction from inverters

    Here is my dashboard of Solis and Pylontech batteries. I have Grafana with Prometheus for detailed stats and then also send some stats to HomeAssistant to have simple dashboard on phone/tabled. HomeAssistant
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    Got new firmware yesterdayon Solis and it has more battery types. After setting battery type to AoBo there is no longer "BatName-FAIL"alarm and it seems to work as expected. AoBo look like a pylontech clone. I will test more but so far it is looking promising.
  • Post in thread: Please verify my LiFePo4 system

    This is nothing special, many hybrid inverters cannot charge at full power. See manual attached, page 54
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    Here is what I got I would say the protection voltage should be tweaked but I am not to woried about them as BMS should be able to handle them and protect cells.
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    Mine is also 5kW, the limits are for 60A because mine can only charge/discharge at 3kW max. 100A would give you 5kW charge/discharge. My inverter is older 4G, the newer 5G ones are rated at 5kW for charge/discharge.
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    This should work on Solis RHI 4G and 5G. Versions HMI 33, DSP 22
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    Here it is
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    I've set battery rated capacity and Soc in software to whatever battery rating is and also remaining capacity alarm to 10%(I am not sure if this is needed but with original rating it does not discharge low enough, even with 10% my cell were over 3.1V) Discharged the battery till it stoped, then...
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    Yes, this is the first thing I did before connecting it.
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    Thanks. Got it runing with user definied settings. I just tried to match them to my previous setup that I had with pylontech batteries.
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    We both have Solis inverter. I have also set to user-defined as it does not work otherwise. Looks like Seplos is not providing or providing wrong name to inverter. According to Solis CAN protocol, name is at 0x35E. I'm just wondering what Seplos has set at this address.
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    What firmware version you've got. I have updated mine just couple months ago.
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    The date does not realy mater. I have received 6 and all of them were manufactured before August 2021. But I can see that the problematic diode was replaced.
  • Post in thread: Please verify my LiFePo4 system

    Hi, I am buidling 2x200ah batteries with Seplos BMS and will be connecting them to 5kW Hybrid inverter. The inverter can max charge/discharge at 62A. I already have Schneider DC breaker connected as it was used with Pylon batteries and intend to leave it there. The wires are 16mm2(6AWG). Since...
  • Post in thread: Seplos and Deye reboot loop

    If that is the case I would not expect it to work at all. In my case it works when charging also inverter does communicate with inverter as the data(soc, V, A etc) appear on inverter. It just that seplos keeps rebooting when in discharge mode.
  • Post in thread: Please verify my LiFePo4 system

    Double pole breaker was installed originally by PV installer Seplos has shunt and both positive and negative go through seplos. Wires are 6AWG
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    Originaly my firmware was 0013 after upgrade couple months ago it went to 0033 Well it can be anything but if inverter can read all info except the name, I would be inclined to think that the name is wrong
  • Post in thread: Solis Hybrid 5G inverter

    What is the reason for for 3.6kW cap? Is it the maximum that you are allowed to export to the grid? If that is the case then you can cap export on the inverter itself and it will not export more. If you add larg enough battery and change your usage habits, you'll won't be exporting much at all...
  • Post in thread: Please verify my LiFePo4 system

    Although inverter is 5kW the max charge/discharge of inverter 3kW do I still require 35mm² wire?
  • Post in thread: How to set Q(U) grid settings on Deye 12KSG04LP3-EU

    Hi, I'm looking to setup Q(U) mode on Deye inverter. I got access to Grid settings but I do not see Q(U), there's P(Q), P(F) etc but not Q(U). As I understand in this mode the reactive output power changes based on grid voltage. Has anyone made these changes? Thank you
  • Post in thread: Seplos and Deye reboot loop

    Hi all, I have Seplos v2 with fw29 that I have been using for almost 2 years. Recently changed the inverter to Deye and wanted to connect Seplos 2 it but cannot seem to make it work when the battery is set to Lithium. Once CAN cable is connected Seplos would run for 5 secs start discharging and...
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    I do have the files and can share them. Since your inverter is 5G, Solis shoudl be able to to OTA upgrade for it.
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    Has anyone was able to do calibration for seplos to report real capacity. It says I need to do full charge/discharge cycle. I can fully charge it but I cannot get it to fully discharge to battery low voltage warning. As I get ramaining capacity alarm first but there is still juice inside cells.
  • Post in thread: Data extraction from inverters

    I really see little benefit in using node-exporter. Since you already getting data somehow from inverter then it is easy enough just to write a simple exporter and expose it to prometheus. I have been doing this for a while now with my Solis inverter.
  • Post in thread: Data extraction from inverters

    I run everything(grafana, prometheus, exporters, etc) in containers. It makes setup simple and portable.
  • Post in thread: Solis Hybrid 5G inverter

    Solis is very common inverter in UK/I region. I've been using RHI but 4G almost 3 years now. Good thing about them is that they have possive cooling soe no moving parts and are silent but may not be suitable for installation in tight warm places as they do get hot. Why only 3.6kW? There are...
  • Post in thread: MPP solar MPI 4KW firmware

    I have 5 year old MPP solar MPI 4KW inverter I was wondering if anyone has firmware for it. The inverter does work fine with currne tone but it was not upgraded and I see bunch of features missing. Thanks
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    I had is setup but it took time. It finally calibrated this morning
  • Post in thread: Solis Hybrid 5G inverter

    There are plenty other batteries that you can buy. I had pylons but then sold them and got 10kWh DIY pack.
  • Post in thread: Seplos CAN BUS RS485 48v 200A 8S-16S BMS

    What settings do you have for user-defined? I got seplos connected to Solis RHI inverter and getting same error 'BatName-FAIL'

diy solar

diy solar