diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Signature Solar experience

    First: As a fairly new member and active reader of this forum, thank you very much! This community has provided me with a lot of value, being the source of answers to most questions I've found along my solar projects. This is my first incursion on the residential Solar implementation (DIY), and...
  • Post in thread: My WIP build

    As an abiding new member (long time reader) of the forum, I'll start sharing my progress on this my first whole house build. The initial configuration is based on a single EG4 18kPV platform, with 28x 440W Aptos panels and 30kWH EG4 LL-S batteries. My main goal with this endeavor is to reach...
  • Post in thread: Signature Solar experience

    That might be a coincidence, but it all happened next day for me. The charge on my card appeared around the same time as when the order status changed to "shipped". Thanks for clarifying for all readers!
  • Post in thread: CT Power Offset on EG4 18Kvp

    Thanks Chris, I'm doing some testing and observation before inquiring specifically about the export issue. I was convinced the export spikes only occurred when the load was very low (< 200W) and PV was not generating, but then loaded the inverter with 450W for 24hs and the pattern changed. It no...
  • Post in thread: CT Power Offset on EG4 18Kvp

    Thanks Jess, I've been playing with this setting from the default value of -40W all the way from 400, 40, 20, 0 and -20, it looks like -20W is the setting with less export of all. I had to disconnect from the grid now until my Standard Interconnect Agreement with my Power Company goes through...
  • Post in thread: CT Power Offset on EG4 18Kvp

    Hi folks, I'm looking for an authoritative answer about what the CT Power Offset (W) setting does on my inverter and what modes of operation would have an effect on. background: I recently installed this inverter as a whole home backup via feeder tap, and I'm trying to minimize the unwanted...

diy solar

diy solar