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  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    Okay, problem solved! The guys that suggested phases were correct, but in combination with a mistake we made when installing the inverter! When we first installed this inverter we connected grid like we would normally (L1->L1 L2->L2 L3->L3, black black black), but connected load like it was...
  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    I have turned off the export controller setting and still no power is drawn. Removed the CT's and still nothing. I believe this should work as the CT's only need to tell the inverter whats actually being exported or imported to the grid itself. If you have loads behind the CT's it could see...
  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    This issue only occured when using 0/240/120 phase setting, meaning no banging at 0/120/240. Inverter also goes into normal when I use EN50549_1_Norway_230V instead of 133V. I would then assume that this should be the correct setting for the grid mode, but it still does not want to import or...
  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    Enig, er nok greit å være sikker på at de har blitt koblet inn riktig rekkefølge. Skal få skaffet et meter og målt. Det er 230V IT her jeg bor, altså ingen N. Mange har fått 400V TN, til og med her i bygda, men ikke akkurat i dette gamle bygget til min frustrasjon 😂
  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    Whats the difference between delta and wye?
  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    Just an observation i noticed now. I have connected Home Assistant using the SunSynk add-on and the Modbus connection and realised there is a "grid connected" sensor. This is Off and has always been off. I guess this is an internal switch that is separate from the AC light on the inverter? In...
  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    Hello, We have installed a few solar panels, a battery and a SunSynk 12K 3-phase Hybrid Inverter at work. It runs fine in "island mode", meaning that the solar panels and battery are working fine alone or together, but it never uses the grid. There are no fault codes, the inverter just never...
  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    It's been sitting in "no solar" mode for about an hour now. Still nothing happening with the grid power.
  • Post in thread: Help! SunSynk 12K inverter not drawing any power from grid

    Remark 1 We asked SunSynk support about the CTs being that close and they said it should be fine. Since we are only running a test installation here we aren't able to get them to the entrypoint, but we could try moving them further down. The arrows are pointing towards the inverter. Remark...

diy solar

diy solar