diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Need help understanding solar panel connectors, saftey

    The short - I need to extend what are two bare end 10 gauge cables from my solar panels to my charge controller, about 25 feet should do. Are DIY ended Solar Panel Connectors a safe and easy thing to make? Everything I see uses those instead of the "SAE" connector that is on the parallel 4...
  • Post in thread: Need help understanding solar panel connectors, saftey

    LOL - I spent around 30 minutes looking in other forums, and searching the terms I have, and didn't find anything on cabling. So I started with the newbie thread. Seems I've gotten good answers, thanks!
  • Post in thread: Need help understanding solar panel connectors, saftey

    ty, I kinda figured that at this voltage and amperage, I'd be OK, but I also didn't want to order ends that were crapola or had known issues. I have ordered some, and we shall see!
  • Post in thread: Need help understanding solar panel connectors, saftey

    Thank you! I had already ordered when you posted, but happily, that is the kit I ordered. Thanks very much for taking the time!

diy solar

diy solar