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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Sorry I've been traveling for a few days and haven't been responding to this thread. Thank you all so much! I am so thrilled to have this platform as a first timer. I don't know how I would have managed without. I got all my cells charged and discharged to the same rate! Now I'll start the...
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    If I want to run a blender for 1-2 minutes at a time, possibly every day or up to 4 times a week, would you recommend a different size inverter or stick with the 1000 watt? The alternative would be go higher, and get a 1500 watt inverter. In that case, would I also go with a larger battery...
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    I think I do need to buy the book.
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    I am totally new to electrical engineering of any kind, aside from fixing phones and small electronics in the be patient with me here. I have a few things I need to clarify, because I am basing my solar set up for my van build solely off of what I've learned by watching Will's...
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    I think another reason why I'm confused is because I am not sure whether or not I need to use a BMS if I have the battery protect. I am using 3 schematics and not sure which one I should go off of, especially after watching the video I posted, here it is again: What will my schematic ACTUALLY...
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    I appreciate your concern, but I think what Will (and staff/members) are doing is extremely helpful and invaluable, and I actually have learned quite a lot in the last few weeks about electrical engineering that was nothing but a blank slate to me until then. That being said, yes I agree...
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    What do you suggest? Single-use battery powered lights or what?
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Ahhh, yes. I was calculating 8 LED lights at 10 watts per hour, for 5 hours. A bit high, I agree. I went high just because I wanted to make sure I was covering the max consumption when calculating so I didn't accidentally go to low.
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Thank you! Is there a way to bring S1 down with a load on its own? I was thinking about using resistors. The converter is used in this tutorial:
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Ok, I need to clarify. I am BRAND new to this (I don't have the tools yet either) so you'll have to clarify some things for me. What do you mean by "tie 2 and 3 together" specifically? Put them in parallel? Attach 1 to a USB charger? I'm not sure how to do this or what other wiring I need for...
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    I see. So for my set up, I would connect the relay directly to the BMS and the battery protect instead of using the converter. makes sense.
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    There are 3 links to make the 4 in series but I will have to make more to parallel them all in the end which I know how to do. Thanks for the clarification. Although, how can I discharge 2 and 3 cells together? Would I have to do them separately? Also, can you explain to me how to set up these...
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Ok. Back to sizing the BMS then, how do I do this for my particular load and what does my new schematic look like?
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Should I get a 1000 watt inverter instead?
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Ok. Would I be able to get by with a 100 amp battery protect with 1000 watt inverter? I'm still a little confused on how to size my whole system. Thanks again for all the help!
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Can you explain exactly how to do this, for example (x) load connects with (x) wire to (x) battery? I don't want to ruin my individual cells but I really want to get started on balancing these. Since I haven't ever seen a video or a diagram of how to do this and what I need, I am clueless.
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Hey so, what is the process for sizing your BMS anyway? Anyone?
  • Post in thread: SOS! Help! 400 Watt System with DIY LiFePo4 12v Battery

    Isn't that why there is the need for a separate port BMS?

diy solar

diy solar