diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: the effects of ambient heat on ice maker and dorm fridge?

    nice! I look forward to getting our spot to the point where we can have a permanent chest freezer.
  • Post in thread: Need help mounting a few panels on small shed

    based on an article on Will's site I think I found my next steps: I need one of these connectors so that I can connect 2 panels to end up with 1 wire. I don't quite see how it will work based on the picture but I suppose...
  • Post in thread: the effects of ambient heat on ice maker and dorm fridge?

    The setting: an off grid shed that acts as a Kitchenette // compost toilet outhouse // propane shower. The climate: zone 5 in AZ. it gets to be about 95 on the hottest days, perhaps hotter inside the shed? The shed is vented at the rafters. And in the winter it can get chili, it can get as...
  • Post in thread: Refrigerator for Vehicles

    I am curious what your experience has been in hot environments, say 80+. And when in these environments, how many watts is the fridge pulling in the heat of the day? Do you use the cover for the ICECO? and if so, has that made a difference? We have not had a good experience with iceco (same...
  • Post in thread: the effects of ambient heat on ice maker and dorm fridge?

    good to know. Thank you! Now onto more complicated projects..
  • Post in thread: the effects of ambient heat on ice maker and dorm fridge?

    4 Refrig devices?? what is your setup?
  • Post in thread: How can I set up small electrical system from Jackery 1000v2 AC plug?

    This is less of a solar question per se and more about how to power a few lights / switch from a single AC outlet in my jackery 1000v2. We plan to keep the Jackery as the permanent power station for our little shed, and it will routinely charge via solar. But the shed is 12x10 and I also...
  • Post in thread: Need help mounting a few panels on small shed

    Multiple question post here. Thank you for helping out an absolute newbie: I have a few large solar panels. (6’5”x3’3”) I would like to get at least two of them on top of shed to charge our jackery 1000v2. So a few things to figure out: 1) How to mount? the trusses are made of 2x4s and a...
  • Post in thread: Need help mounting a few panels on small shed

    I’m having trouble visualizing the order of elements you listed. In my case I have a roof supported by trusses made by 2x4. So we have truss, 1/2” osb, uunderlayment, then metal roof. I wonder if I can just do the z brackets to the roof?
  • Post in thread: Mounting solar panels on a 40 foot container?

    Really cool set-up! the solar cube :-) It looks like you basically built an 'exoskeleton' of 2x4s around the structure? We have a 40ft, high cube as well and I've been mulling over how to mount them on the roof. At our spot the recommendation is due south at 32 degrees. This is perfect...
  • Post in thread: Need help mounting a few panels on small shed

    easier said that done, which is why I posted here. Amazon has a gazillion results when I search for something like this. Surely they're not all legitimate and according to the pics it's not clear that everything I would need for the mounting project is included.
  • Post in thread: Mounting solar panels on a 40 foot container?

    Thanks for the follow up. What kind of rails are you using? I am overwhelmed by the zillion results on Amazon etc when I look for mounting solutions. That is a really interesting idea - use some sort of sheeting or underlayment then essentially deck it with 2x6s. Then secure with hurricane...
  • Post in thread: Need help mounting a few panels on small shed

    gotcha, seems straightforward enough. vertical PT 2x6 horizontal PT 2x6 on top of that Then z brackets connected to: Solar panels Thanks!
  • Post in thread: Need help mounting a few panels on small shed

    Ok, I get that I would drill a Super Strut. But then how do I attach the solar panel to the strut? What kind of mount do you suggest?
  • Post in thread: Need help mounting a few panels on small shed

    I wonder if this would take care of the height of the ribs in metal roof: ECO-Worthy Roof Solar Panel Mounting Bracket System Kit(for 1-4 Pieces Solar Panels)
  • Post in thread: How can I set up small electrical system from Jackery 1000v2 AC plug?

    Ok so I would wire it like I would anything at home, but how do then I connect the wiring to the AC outlet on Jackery?

diy solar

diy solar