diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Victron controller output seems to taper off. Overheating?

    Thank you all for your input. It encourages me forward. The panels are in parallel on the reasoning that at least one or two will not have the shadow of the mast or boom at any given time. The best I have seen so far is 500 watts from the 900 watt array. I am also puzzled by the extreme voltage...
  • Post in thread: Victron controller output seems to taper off. Overheating?

    Here is more data. Note that the drops to zero solar watts happen at midday, but not in the late afternoon at lower wattage. The drops seem to be at regular intervals With the same wave signature. Every other load, including fridge and freezer, were off. The watermaker does not have any kind of...
  • Post in thread: Fuse between panels and controller?

    I learned something. Did not know that MC4 fuses were available. Now I am wondering what event or set of circumstances would cause the fuse to blow. Since the fuse would be specified well above the panel’s short circuit current, shorting the cables after the fuse would not do it. The only way...
  • Post in thread: Victron controller output seems to taper off. Overheating?

    This is my first solar installation. Six 150 Watt panels are connected in parallel to a Victron MPPT 100v/50a controller. Ambient temperature is about 75F. I would appreciate any feedback on why the controller’s output cyclically fades away. Is it overheating? The box only shows a steady blue...
  • Post in thread: Victron controller output seems to taper off. Overheating?

    The concept of a capacitor for the watermaker is interesting. I remember reading about capacitors being used as power storage devices, which of course they are by definition, but for applications like car starting batteries. Comments? People have been pointing to low battery voltages, although...
  • Post in thread: Victron controller output seems to taper off. Overheating?

    Again, thanks for all the input. I am going to get in there and remove and clean each connection point once this rocking and rolling dies down. This Covid escape plan is a lot of work. Taking the dog to the beach on a new uninhabited island every day makes up for it. As far as I know, the...

diy solar

diy solar