diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Not on Track
  • Post in thread: How about this IDEA?

    I suspect if you're going to run into trouble it will be the voltage/current that the optimizer sees from having the panels in series and parallel. Given those voltages/currents and the specs on the DC optimizer should tell you what's what. That's why I think you'll need to layout at least one...
  • Post in thread: Cordless tool hack

    Lithium Ion is 3.6Vnom, so an 18V pack would have 5s?p cells. So, 18V tools must work in the range of 4V x 5 to 3.4V x 5, or 20 to 17V. That got me to thinking, we really only need to go from 24V to 20V... so how about 4 diodes in series? For example, this one is a $2.07/ea and has a 1.1V...
  • Post in thread: OTEC

    The navy report was interesting reading, particularly the rudder applications. Really would like to know how they would do in replacing a keel on a sailboat (obvious drawback is they consume power, but could it be the next America's Cup advantage?).
  • Post in thread: Two grid assist inverters and one hybrid inverter in home.

    Did the Microinverters shut down when the wifi switch was off? Please do test with the MPP, if the wifi switch does comes on it means that solution posted above won't work. Thanks for the tip! ;) Last one I watched was Crash Landing on You, seeing life in North Korea enacted was very different...
  • Post in thread: New Enphase system questions

    If you go to page 10 of this document, you'll see the sizing guide - basically, an Encharge3 can only support so many microinverters. I'm pretty sure it's the same problem/considerations for any AC coupling (ref).
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Not sure about "them", but Gates & Hawking have definitely been taken out of context... FactCheck Gates on Population Population was one of the elements Hawkings talked about, but that wasn't to reduce the population but to expand to other planets: #525
  • Post in thread: An Enphase Ensemble Installation

    3 of my 4 batteries drop from 60% to 33% in a short period as shown to the right. As there was no corresponding power through the CT, it's once again the issue of the Envoy re-syncing with the actual SoC. Disturbing as it seems, this is actually an improvement as before the prior s/w update...
  • Post in thread: Fire suppression

    F-500 might interest you if you haven't seen it already.
  • Post in thread: Bonjour from France

    Welcome to the forums!
  • Post in thread: Off Road Trailer - Renogy smart lithium battery - and water?

    If that's the battery with the IP54 rating, this might help:
  • Post in thread: JUST SAY NO !! IC GOGOGO Store

    Tour the Factory
  • Post in thread: Cross Section sizing calculations

    Oh! I thought you wanted to understand the calculations. Just use an online calculator if that's all you want to know.
  • Post in thread: An Enphase Ensemble Installation

    Went back on grid a bit ago before the batteries were fully recharged. I only had one blip and that's when I was working away and turned on a big power consumer (forgot I was on battery, I'd been on battery with no issues for so long it took me a second to realize why the leds were flickering)...
  • Post in thread: Prematurely aging cells while charging?

    That makes great sense! Thanks!
  • Post in thread: First kick at the Cat after Energy Audit

    Some thoughts: Make sure the two inverters can work in parallel; sometimes to get them to do so you need to order a special cable. The 2/0 wire max ampacity is normally around 150 amps, since your max draw is 250 amps make sure there's no single path (e.g. to the BMS) that might exceed 150...
  • Post in thread: An Enphase Ensemble Installation

    From, it looks like at 10m I could generate power from a wind turbine at 10m during the winter months. Unfortunately, unlike my northern friends, I consume most of my power in summer. From the maps that doesn't look viable. Seems...
  • Post in thread: Net Metering under attack, again....

    That's too kind... more like a million. Solar by itself is great, but those numbers don't include battery costs and that's probably the biggest flaw there. For a stable and reliable grid when you're essentially doing away with 90% of conventional fossil fuels in just a decade you need to...
  • Post in thread: LiFePO4 cordless power tools

    You can get 2.7v 18650 sized super-capacitors, 39g. So, you could re-purpose a 4 AH 5s2p pack into a 1.1Ah 8s1p pack. Only a 1/4 the power but lighter and fully recharges in a few minutes. Well, without some sort of voltage regulator, probably only 1/8th the power since the voltage drop is...
  • Post in thread: Looking for battery for telescope to replace FLA that is too small

    My God! It's full of stars!! Bowman jokes aside, You've got some serious skills ... it's definitely not crazy and I thank you for braving all those dangers and sharing. Wow! Now I need to figure out how to follow you. Yes. He runs these forums. Check his DIY Solar Blueprints. Will keeps...
  • Post in thread: The Renewable Energy Problem.

    Just heard on the news that "the 1.9T plan passed the House vote and was headed to the senate", so that "plan" must be H.R.1319; the "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021". That bill is about pandemic relief, no jobs program I saw in it. I suspect my confusion comes from folks calling it the...
  • Post in thread: Graphene Ultracapacitor now the same $/lifecycle as LiFePO4?

    Very true, batteries try to hold the voltage steady, but capacitors (AFAIK) can't. You need another component to regulate the output voltage. But just like a DoD on a battery or a sleep voltage on Li ion there's some bottom limit to V. The reputable vendors (not necessarily the device in the...
  • Post in thread: Building Battery Box for my 24v, 200ah Lifepo4 Battery Bank

    I just found out Class 1 fire-rated foam is available. Posted about it here and also learned the DOW stuff is available from Lowes/HomeDepot.
  • Post in thread: An Enphase Ensemble Installation

    Storm Guard The NWS issued a storm warning here and Storm Guard correctly caught it and shifted to full backup. Normally I leave the "charge batteries from grid" disabled and have been curious if Storm Guard would override it or not. Not to knock the NWS, but sometimes there is little warning...
  • Post in thread: North facing panels?

    It has a big learning curve, I highly recommend the tutorial videos.
  • Post in thread: Series or parallel for solar panels?

    Welcome to the forums! You might find these of help: What does it mean to have solar panels in parallel and series? Figuring out how many panels in series and parallel based on your MPPT
  • Post in thread: Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    What does that have to with proving or disproving climate change? All those poor conspiracy theorists struggling to figure it out when they publish their research. You don't even need a FOIA request. They could also have used simple physics. Let's say like microwaves it can convert ~70% of...
  • Post in thread: Looking for an emergency unit to handle power outages in CA

    Generator is the cheapest upfront solution. Preferably natural gas if you can get it so you don't have to truck in gas...but if they turn the gas off in the event of an earthquake that might not work for you. Grid-tied Solar has a payback, so most economical - but... it won't provide power...
  • Post in thread: Off grind solar sistem

    Welcome to the forums! Data 30 LED bulbs at 10W each = 30 x 10 = 300 watts 6x 175W solar panels = 1 kW array Question Do I need more panels Do I need more batteries To answer this you need to know how long you'll run the lights. For example, if you run a 300W load for 4 hours, that's 4x300...