diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

    Hello, I have the same problem. Since 27.03 it stopped updating: Battery energy in Battery energy out PV energy written today to support
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

    Ok!!! We found there is a bug if your timezone moves in or out of daylight savings, then the value is 0 for that week. On the configuration page, set your timezone temporarily to a ETC/GMT +- ... fixed timezone to work around the issue. Next week you can set it back.
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

    I think the problem will be in SA, dashboart is still not loading PV energy output per week.
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

    Yes it also stopped at one o'clock in the morning.
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

    Does anyone have any information on when the stable version will be released? I like the backup option and more overview of jkbms. I don't want to switch to the Beta version.
  • Post in thread: Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

    Hello, I have a question or a suggestion to improve Solarassistant: It's cold here in Europe now and since RPI is running all the time and I would like to monitor the temperature in more places, would it be possible to add support for Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensors.RPI can do this...

diy solar

diy solar