diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Oversizing solar panels

    thanks for response, I’m currently in the process of figuring out whether or not oversized solar and batteries for night are worth it. Noted on the charging rates however, I live in an area where my panels will only be operating at full capacity for a small portion of the year, panels are...
  • Post in thread: Oversizing solar panels

    Unfortunately our utility doesn’t vary prices throughout the day, the fees in tarried is a bit brutal “day and night” price! I’ve spent some time looking at wind, and I’m rejecting it for two reasons 1. Planning - in our area we don’t need planning for rooftop solar whereas for any type of...
  • Post in thread: Grid tie solar - prioritise solar power?

    Hi all, I am currently designing a solar system for my farm, aimed at reducing electricity bills. I need the system to be connected to the grid, prioritising energy produced via solar, but using the grid otherwise. I do not want to export any energy to the grid. I am trying to understand how I...
  • Post in thread: Grid tie solar - prioritise solar power?

    I understand that an inverter can be set to different priority modes, however I don’t quite understand how it manages these if it is connected as below (I have removed isolators, meters and protection devices) I still have a few questions that I don’t understand 1. How does the inverter...
  • Post in thread: Grid tie solar - prioritise solar power?

    I am planning to use all electricity on site with a battery
  • Post in thread: Grid tie solar - prioritise solar power?

    This is a robotic dairy farm with a *relatively* consistent electricity usage profile, I have measured it with a ct sensor, max power in the day is 10kw (cooler, heaters and compressor all going at once). However almost all usage is below 6kw. A g98 connection will allow me a 3.68kw connection...
  • Post in thread: Can I sell electricity from my solar farm to my neighbours?

    Yes this is the issue, anything which bumps my price above the wholesale price is much more likely to make the project viable and is why I want to exploit being so close to some industrial sites
  • Post in thread: Grid tie solar - prioritise solar power?

    G98 and g99 are both designed to allow a system to export electricity. If I want large system which is grid connected but is not set up for export, is there any way to avoid the power restrictions in these connections?
  • Post in thread: Grid tie solar - prioritise solar power?

    Why did you not want g99 out of curiosity?
  • Post in thread: Grid tie solar - prioritise solar power?

    I have queried with NIE (my DNO) as to whether it is possible to have a parallel, grid connected generation system in place with no export and have asked what the performance criteria is (with respect to micro exports). Will be interesting to see how this works, presumably sites that use...
  • Post in thread: Oversizing solar panels

    Hi all, I am currently scopingn out solar panels for my robotic dairy farm which is currently using an average of 110 kWh single phase electricity from the grid daily, with a usage pattern which is relatively even, filled with equipment turning on and off 24/7 (compressors, coolers, water...
  • Post in thread: Oversizing solar panels

    Apologies for confusion, I am assuming a hybrid inverter.
  • Post in thread: Can I sell electricity from my solar farm to my neighbours?

    Hi all, I own a small farm based in northern Ireland and have been exploring some methods of farm diversification. One method which I have recently been considering is converting some land (approx 10 acres) into a solar farm. I have multiple medium factories and industrial operations nearby...

diy solar

diy solar