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  • Post in thread: High frequency verses low frequency inverters

    Just my opinion through my personal experience . Low frequency Inverters are built to last a lifetime ( If there are no user errors ) and high frequency are not Which is why LF s come with up to 10 year warranty And HF s are generally 5 years or less if at all . So with that being said, LF if...
  • Post in thread: High frequency verses low frequency inverters

    Agreed ! Some are some aren’t some do some don’t ! Just as some HF have a 10 year warranty such as eg4 18kpv for example however more times then not the LF will last longer especially with heavy loads. But as you stated not all inverters are created equal ( LF or HF ) Just my choice for...
  • Post in thread: High frequency verses low frequency inverters

    You are correct. The Efficiency I was referring only to wattage used in idle time. As LF generally use more the HF I should have been clearer but felt I was rambling and didn’t want to go overboard 🥴

diy solar

diy solar