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  • Post in thread: Zooms 12v 50Ah teardown

    I opened up a Zooms 12v 50Ah battery expecting for it to look more like the same size AmpereTime that Will Prowse tore down on YouTube, but it looks different. BMS looks as expected, wired up with 8AWG tinned copper positive and dual 12AWG negatives. High temp switch mounted with just a...
  • Post in thread: New to buying raw cells, are these EVE LF304 cells new/ok?

    So what do you all think? Do these cells look new and just "grade b" cells from EVE and re-lasered to remove the "B", or used and re-lasered QR codes to hide the original dates?
  • Post in thread: Zooms 12v 50Ah teardown

    Freshly charged battery pulled full rated capacity at around a .25C discharge rate (until my inverter gave up, then light DC draw to finish it up)
  • Post in thread: New to buying raw cells, are these EVE LF304 cells new/ok?

    Hi, first off I'm pretty new to this, so please be nice. :) Last year, I purchased (from Jenny Wu @ Docan) a set of 8 LF50K cells for a small 50Ah 24v motorized kayak battery build, and the cells were VERY flat. Battery works great. I just purchased another set of 8 LF304K cells from the...
  • Post in thread: New to buying raw cells, are these EVE LF304 cells new/ok?

    Yeah, most of them that is not possible...
  • Post in thread: New to buying raw cells, are these EVE LF304 cells new/ok?

    Ok, it looks like there was probably some lasering going on here... large area around the QR has a different shine. These were not sold to me as "Certified Automotive" but as "They are all brand new and solar storage cells." So I'm thinking they are (hopefully) new but didn't meet the...
  • Post in thread: New to buying raw cells, are these EVE LF304 cells new/ok?

    Yeah I didn't have anyone to help me take a picture. I can not notice any difference in the shape/gap, while pushing the cells together.
  • Post in thread: New to buying raw cells, are these EVE LF304 cells new/ok?

    Yeah I'd rather know what I'm buying...
  • Post in thread: New Chins 100ah Lifepo4 battery teardown

    I just tried cutting off the top of a Zooms 50Ah box to fit two batteries into a Apache 3800 case. Hand saw made quick work of it. If I could find a flat top to put onto the bottom of the box, that doesn’t stick up an extra inch like the original, that would be amazing. Anyone know of one? :)
  • Post in thread: Zoomspower LiFePO4 dirt cheap from what's the Catch?

    I just opened up a Zooms 50Ah this am, and didn’t do a full teardown, but it looks really nice inside. I wish the case they built these smaller batteries in was more compact though. It’s way bigger, especially taller than the contents.
  • Post in thread: New Chins 100ah Lifepo4 battery teardown

    Do you cut up a lot of these cases? For reviews and stuff or buying cheap batteries for the cells?
  • Post in thread: 24v small lightweight for kayak validation/suggestion

    Opened it it. Looks quite a bit different than the 50Ah AmpereTime that Will tore down.
  • Post in thread: New to buying raw cells, are these EVE LF304 cells new/ok?

    I'm not following... check if they are all lasered off like the one in the photo? Still not sure whether these are just B's pretending to be A's, or 2yr old cells that have been worked and re-labeled as July 2022... :/
  • Post in thread: 24v small lightweight for kayak validation/suggestion

    I just purchased this same motor. What battery did you end up going with? I was originally thinking I'd just buy cells and build my own diy battery in a box, but then acquiring 50Ah cells from AliExpress seemed like a gamble and would take forever... 2 of the Zooms 50Ah 12v batteries. I'd...
  • Post in thread: New Chins 100ah Lifepo4 battery teardown

    Looking at your pictures above, it looks like you were able to remove the top off of at least one white Zooms battery case without cutting it (like we've all seen Will do many times). Are you typically able to remove the top by prying if you aren't going for dramatic YouTube teardown effects? I...
  • Post in thread: Zooms 12v 50Ah teardown

    Thanks, I’m just googled and looks similar but all the ones online have blue shrink wrap. Why wouldn’t mine have that? Looks like some of that yellow board between bms and the cell, but yeah, not much.
  • Post in thread: New to buying raw cells, are these EVE LF304 cells new/ok?

    Well at least that is reassuring. :)

diy solar

diy solar