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diy solar

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  • Post in thread: What would cause plateau in production like this?

    On a sunny day, in November, with 30, 310W panels facing mostly south in Northern Illinois, I'm getting this plateau right at 3.5kW, way early in the morning (see graph). If it peaked midday-ish, I might not be concerened. I'm new to this (2 weeks in), but so I'm not even sure what to expect...
  • Post in thread: What would cause plateau in production like this?

    I didn't install it, but I guess this is all in series? When I log into Solaredge I see the logical diagram as 1 string like seen below. No battery. So to clarify, everyone agrees that the 3.5kW plateau is not good and the installers should fix?
  • Post in thread: What would cause plateau in production like this?

    Well it turns out it was set to a se10000H but it is actually a se7600H. Installer claims that will fix the issue. But I have 2 concerns. 1. All 30 panels are on 1 string. Someone mentioned that might be too many. 2. Does the Solaredge se7600H have the capacity to deal with 30, 310W...
  • Post in thread: What would cause plateau in production like this?

    Yeah agreed. That's what I'm thinking. I assume they will quote the other number - 11800W DC for input. Sorry for these noob questions, but why does the manual quote max 11800 W for DC for input and then 7600W AC for output. Is the conversion that bad? Bottom line I really suspect I...
  • Post in thread: What would cause plateau in production like this?

    Here was their response in red as I suspected it would be. Is he right or just trying to get rid of me? Then when I was concerned about clipping at 7600W, his response was: 7600 is the AC wattage output of the inverter. 11800 is the DC input into the inverter. To obtain optimum performance of...

diy solar

diy solar