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Rationale for Bidens intentional invasion.


Solar Wizard
Feb 25, 2021
Republicans AKA anyone with a brain have tried to rationalize just why Biden has pursued such a terribly destructive policy regarding our southern border. The first probability may be future democrat voters, but something else may be going on. Consider the definition of a recession is at least 2 quarters of a shrinking GDP. The media seems loathe to admit we could be heading that way. However youre never gonna have a shrinking GDP with 200k "newcomers" invading every month. Even if theyre not working the govt is spending money on them. So one benefit in this engineered disaster must surely be Biden preventing the compliant media from declaring a full blown recession, or worse.
Outrageously their strategy has now shifted to blaming the Republicans for the whole mess.
Republicans AKA anyone with a brain have tried to rationalize just why Biden has pursued such a terribly destructive policy regarding our southern border. The first probability may be future democrat voters, but something else may be going on. Consider the definition of a recession is at least 2 quarters of a shrinking GDP. The media seems loathe to admit we could be heading that way. However youre never gonna have a shrinking GDP with 200k "newcomers" invading every month. Even if theyre not working the govt is spending money on them. So one benefit in this engineered disaster must surely be Biden preventing the compliant media from declaring a full blown recession, or worse.
Outrageously their strategy has now shifted to blaming the Republicans for the whole mess.
Think it is multidirectional for the reasons.

According to one source we have ~46 million immigrants total. The idiots in charge pushed Roe VS Wade which cost us ~70 million actual natural citizens. All the claims we need more ppl now is a lie from the democraps.

Basically everything wrong is because the Left are sorry queer faggots.
The Right are actually at fault for not spanking their ass and locking them up - you can not allow crazy mf’ers to roam free and take over govt..

You can not allow foreigners to move in and take over govt.

Dual passports should never of been allowed in govt.

Basically the Republicians just want to be left alone allowed this fucking shit. That is you and me.

I actually dont have a problem with sorry queer faggots as long as theyre not looking at my butt and arent trying to convert anyones kids. Although if theyre leftists that can be an issue in itself.
I guess the real issue with leftists is that their whole agenda seems bent on destroying America, and that theyre always completely full of shit now. Gaslighting. Accusing Republicans of doing things theyre doing already in triplicate. Ask them what color the sky is, "well of course its purple with pink polka dots." When we can all see its blue. And holy shit Biden is mentally unfit to be charged for crimes theyre trying Trump for, but hes the best president ever and we want 4 more? I guess the big guy needs $30mil more?
Ill give them credit for one thing. Hunter sounds like a guy whose good at something (smoking crack with hookers) and enjoys life to the fullest. Cant fault him for that.
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I actually dont have a problem with sorry queer faggots as long as theyre not looking at my butt and arent trying to convert anyones kids. Although if theyre leftists that can be an issue in itself.
I guess the real issue with leftists is that their whole agenda seems bent on destroying America, and that theyre always completely full of shit now. Gaslighting. Accusing Republicans of doing things theyre doing already in triplicate. Ask them what color the sky is, "well of course its purple with pink polka dots." When we can all see its blue. And holy shit Biden is mentally unfit to be charged for crimes theyre trying Trump for, but hes the best president ever and we want 4 more? I guess the big guy needs $30mil more?
Ill give them credit for one thing. Hunter sounds like a guy whose good at something (smoking crack with hookers) and enjoys life to the fullest. Cant fault him for that.
The "Hallmark" of the Biden cabal is there serial lying...............

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