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diy solar

Sunny Island to SMA Data Manager M "Translation Spreadsheet"

Kirk Bailey

New Member
Oct 17, 2023
Hi All,

I've got a SMA Data Manager M now working with my dual SI6048-US setup. In doing so I noticed that SMA uses different names for the SI parameters as downloaded from the Data Manager M, versus what is listed in the SI documentation. I contacted SMA but they apparently don't have a document that shows the mapping between the two sets of parameter names. Sooo, I took at a stab at making my own - see attached.

To do this I imported the results of a .CSV parameter download from the Data Manager M into a spreadsheet, and then did a bunch of editing. I deleted the information that was specific to my system, as well as the current parameter settings I'm using, and then added a couple of columns for what I hope is the matching original SI parameter number and name. Note that I did this by comparing the manual info to the spreadsheet descriptions, so please consider this an initial attampt that probably contains errors! I also didn't include a number of the parameters for which I didn't see an obvious match based on the spreadsheet descriptions.

Additions, corrections, and comments welcome!


Kirk Bailey


  • SMA Data Manager M to SI Parameter Translation.7z
    6.1 KB · Views: 15
Worth it to get the Data manager M? Better settings interface would be darn nice.
Worth it to get the Data manager M? Better settings interface would be darn nice.
When I bought mine the "Lite" version (limits you to 5 devices), was much less expensive than the non-"Lite" version, and the limit wasn't an issue for me. Whether it is worth it depends on you and your application. Make sure to check availability also, since the last time I looked they were hard to find.


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diy solar