diy solar

diy solar

EG4 6000xp

D. Abineri

New Member
Jun 25, 2021
Blacksburg, VA
I am sorry fr so many questions bout this inverter but I am unable to find answer elsewhere. I have a 6000xp with a 48V LIFEPO battery and a JK smart BMS.

1. Why, under the DATA tab to the graphs sometimes have just one point rather than many points (which I do see at other times)?

2. How do I specify that when there is no solar, then use the battery for the load until it reaches the stop discharge SOC?

3. How do I specify to use solar for the load when available?

4. Is there a way to avoid having to login to the Monitor site every day to see the status and data?

Examples of the maintenance settings would be very useful.

2. How do I specify that when there is no solar, then use the battery for the load until it reaches the stop discharge SOC?
This should happen naturally with your On grid EOD setting where it should be. Take note that if your battery triggers the on grid EOD it needs to be 3v higher than that votage to release. That may be your entire problem. It was my problem at first because I was playing around with the settings too much to find out the way it works.
3. How do I specify to use solar for the load when available?
Should also happen automatically with proper
4. Is there a way to avoid having to login to the Monitor site every day to see the status and data?
Nope not on a web browser, and it sucks. I use firefox and save the password. The android app logs in automatically
well if you are getting junk data, there isnt much to go on.

Set you on grid EOD voltage to 46. It should definitely start using battery then.

diy solar

diy solar