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Weird issue with 6000XP 🤷‍♂️


New Member
Mar 18, 2024
Ok, I’ll try to line this out as clearly as possible but….I was a Marine so, little uhhh…I’m a little slow lol.

Ok, 6000XP: unit was originally commissioned with AGM batteries, dude great minus SOC discrepancies with that setup.

4/28: I got (2), lifepower 4’s, updated firmware with the auto/quick flash setup from signature, update went well.

4/29: ran offgrid starting at 0800. Batteries charged from 50-ish% storage SOC up to 100%. System ran great all day. Stayed off grid all night, batteries got down to around 27% SOC before PV input on 4/29.

4/30: System started charging around 0645 with a little input, got to around 60% by 9:30am.

(2) more lifepower 4’s arrived at 10-ish am. System shut down, new batteries installed. (2) existing were around 64%, (2) new were around 52% SOC.

Fire the system back up and all is well- for awhile at least.

Of the 2 original batteries I had, the #1 or top slot had issues consistently reading on address 0.

I used BMS to monitor them throughout the day, the 2 new batteries caught up to the 2 existing, all SOC’c were within a few points of eachother. The 0 address battery (#1 in the stack) was again having issues, connecting and disconnecting from BMS.

I reversed the dip switch order thinking it would help, starting at the bottom (#4 battery, now setting it as the #0 address) and moving up from there, inverter comm cable was at the top, now the #4 battery. This is where things went sideways….

EPS cut off probably 8 times. PV input was around 5kw, batteries were charging at 3.5-ish Kw. BMS has pretty much all of them on over volt warning and protection, highest cell was 3.5x V.

I switch the system back to how it was, 0 at top moving down and EPS keeps cutting out, inverter keeps trying to charge the stack even though BMS is reporting 100% on all.

Call signature, set batteries to lead acid and currently discharging all night to see if the inverter and BMS’s start working together but who knows.

Long post, sorry, tried to break it up in order so it made sense. Any ideas why the inverter would be force charging, causing the over volt issues and more so, why EPS would cut off?


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I can't help you with the communications issue. I use dumb BMSs.

But, as expected, the batteries with the higher charge are overcharging. Most manufacturers recommend that each battery is charged up fully before installing it into a system, for precisely this issue.

I would disconnect all battery communications, and discharge all of the batteries a good bit. Then I would FULLY charge each battery before connecting them back into the system. You should charge the batteries as SLOWLY as you can stand. You need to give the BMSs time to balance the cells inside each battery.
I can't help you with the communications issue. I use dumb BMSs.

But, as expected, the batteries with the higher charge are overcharging. Most manufacturers recommend that each battery is charged up fully before installing it into a system, for precisely this issue.

I would disconnect all battery communications, and discharge all of the batteries a good bit. Then I would FULLY charge each battery before connecting them back into the system. You should charge the batteries as SLOWLY as you can stand. You need to give the BMSs time to balance the cells inside each battery.
That’s the weird thing, I didn’t grab a screen shot cause I was on the phone with Signature but all 4 of the batteries showed the over voltage/ cell over volt alarms.

I ran all night on the bank to bring it down on Lead Acid mode. I’ll check all the BMS’s here shortly (they were all going down in sync) and swap it over the LiFePo mode to charge back up today and see how it goes. Didn’t discharge as much as I’d like but they got down to 60-ish%
The displayed SOC is likely inaccurate until a few full cycles have completed.

So I discharged down to 53% this morning. I let them charge back up throughout the day, pack was set to led acid.

Once all packs hit 100% reading it via BMS and Comm Hub, I swapped the bank back over to the LiFePo setting.

Immediately got these warnings via BMS. I checked each battery with an Ammeter and I’m not reading any considerable input, as it shouldn’t cause they’re reporting full.

I’ll run the bank down tonight again and see how they track tonight and tomorrow while recharging and also see if EPS cuts out on its own again, as of now, she’s holding steady.


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The displayed SOC is likely inaccurate until a few full cycles have completed.

I just realized I couldn’t edit my post once posted lol. I’ll cycle the bank a few times over the next few days/week. Hopefully that resolves the issue, the weird part was EPS cutting out. Even Signature was confused why EPS would cut out.

I’ll keep cycling for now!
You can see where pack 4 has a runner and that's what caused the over voltage protection. And it's balancing on 2 and 3 as well.
The eg4s sometimes need 10-20+ cycles some people struggle for months to get them to balance.

Copy! I’m going to leave it in lead acid mode for a bit and cycle it for the next few days and hopefully it balances out. No EPS trip issue today in either LA or LiFePo modes so that’s a big plus!
Deltas on 2,3 and 4 look bad

They certainly need balancing. I would charge at 2 amps for the last 10% Might take 3 days of attention.

I’ll play with the settings in the morning when the sun comes up and go that route. It’s weird cause none of the cells are close to being over on voltage but they’re definitely not happy lol.

I’ll play with the settings and set it to a real slow/low amperage and hope they balance out
CV setting on the 6000XP is too high (default is 56.4), I would leave it on lead and drop CV setting (#7) down till you don't get overvoltage protection and allow BMS to balance until cell deltas get lower,

whats up with pack 1 total voltage is 1 volt less than the other 3?
SOC will be way out of wack till you get the cell delta down, I have 14 of the lifep04, in three batches, I just open them up and balance manually, all 14 are at 0.007 - 0.009 delta at 55.4 volts where I stop CV
SOC will be way out of wack till you get the cell delta down, I have 14 of the lifep04, in three batches, I just open them up and balance manually, all 14 are at 0.007 - 0.009 delta at 55.4 volts where I stop CV

So I changed settings and only went with a 5A charge voltage for most of the morning, packs responded well. I’ll probably cycle it a few times like this. I just bumped it up to 10A and will monitor it for a bit and see how it responds.


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I’ll run them down again tonight and try another slow charge for tomorrow and see how they do!

Makes me already frustrated when I add the last 2 in the future here 🤣
That is kinda the way this goes but I certainly expected better from EG4 batteries.
So for the next 2, charge them up with the chargeverter first or?

Yeah, it’s a bit of a headache. They’re definitely tracking better on Delta and voltage on all 4, I did notice when I upped the charge amperage a bit cause clouds were on the horizon they came more unbalanced on overall SOC from eachother but started to fall back in line after a bit. I also noticed I’m still getting the warnings/alarms but voltages looked good. I’ll keep cycling for now, I just want everything to fall in spec here soon lol
That would probably be the easiest way. Keep i mind, cell deviations are a lot more pronounced after the 3.45 mark. Also there insnt a ton of energy after 3.45 so it wont take too long. Couple days or so

So discharged the bank a bit more lastnight. They discharged unevenly for sure, I set charging amps to 5 for it to come back up. I’ll probably leave more lights on tonight when I go to work as I’m only getting into the 65-70% range SOC. Ideally, I should probably try and hit 30-40 I’m guessing?

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