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Is the Eg4 Lifepower4 battery worth the low price


New Member
Aug 18, 2023
Is the Eg4 Lifepower4 battery worth the low price purchase over similar batteries they make that cost a little more? What is the firmware update all about with the Lifepower4 batteries.
Is the Eg4 Lifepower4 battery worth the low price purchase over similar batteries they make that cost a little more? What is the firmware update all about with the Lifepower4 batteries.
Depends on how many batteries do you need. Usually cheaper buying directly from China.
The firmware update is easy with the included usb cable and a laptop, regardless of the update tool.

Only reason I wouldn't go with Lifepower4 is I'd rather have less batteries so I'd get the powerpro. If I hadn't gone DIY instead.
Is the Eg4 Lifepower4 battery worth the low price purchase over similar batteries they make that cost a little more? What is the firmware update all about with the Lifepower4 batteries.
Welcome to the forum.
Seeing you're in Jamaica I'd look at other options, cut out the middle man...
The firmware for Eg4 Lifepower4 batteries can be updated and the firmware updates and software tool are downloadable from the EG4 website.
I have six EG4 LifePower4 batteries and I am satisfied with them and have installed two firmware updates since purchase.
I am concerned as I have two SunGoldPower batteries that have software to monitor the battery but do not provide any way to update the firmware.
I can't find any software for the Riuxu so I don't know how you would be able monitor them (i.e. cell voltages and alarm conditions which Solar Assistant can't do).
In addition the SOK batteries have the same software as the SunGoldPower batteries but no way to update firmware and it is uncertain how batteries with different firmware versions would work together.

SOK and SGP batteries are now shipping with updated firmware so I don't know how they will mix with older firmware batteries.

Bottom line, research all the batteries you are interested in. Can the firmware be upgraded, Does the manufacturer provide software that allows you to monitor the batteries down to individual cell status (i.e. voltage, balance etc). And is the battery able to communicate in closed loop with your inverter (if you want to use closed loop).
The firmware update is easy with the included usb cable and a laptop, regardless of the update tool.

Only reason I wouldn't go with Lifepower4 is I'd rather have less batteries so I'd get the powerpro. If I hadn't gone DIY instead.
Thanks for the advice.
The firmware for Eg4 Lifepower4 batteries can be updated and the firmware updates and software tool are downloadable from the EG4 website.
I have six EG4 LifePower4 batteries and I am satisfied with them and have installed two firmware updates since purchase.
I am concerned as I have two SunGoldPower batteries that have software to monitor the battery but do not provide any way to update the firmware.
I can't find any software for the Riuxu so I don't know how you would be able monitor them (i.e. cell voltages and alarm conditions which Solar Assistant can't do).
In addition the SOK batteries have the same software as the SunGoldPower batteries but no way to update firmware and it is uncertain how batteries with different firmware versions would work together.

SOK and SGP batteries are now shipping with updated firmware so I don't know how they will mix with older firmware batteries.

Bottom line, research all the batteries you are interested in. Can the firmware be upgraded, Does the manufacturer provide software that allows you to monitor the batteries down to individual cell status (i.e. voltage, balance etc). And is the battery able to communicate in closed loop with your inverter (if you want to use closed loop).
I appreciate the information you provided.
It has certainly added to my understanding of buying batteries.
At the end of the day, I am sure they are all good (hopefully).
Quality of manufacture (you can see this with a number of @Will Prowse videos) is important but what about product support and warranty (five years from now).
You are making and investment that hopefully will last at least 10+ years. Many on this forum have not had their equipment that long and certainly many of the solar components (or companies/distributors) on the market today have not been around for the last 10 years, so we really do not know long term reliability.

Research until you are comfortable with what you intend on purchasing. Come back when you have put together a list of what you are going to buy to build your system and many on this forum will provide their advice/opinions.
EG4 Lifepower4's have been & continue to be the cost effective work horse of EG4...I have 6 currently running with an 6500EX. EG4 LL's are nice but not worth the extra to me. Being individual & modular is their pro & con depending on perspective. Easier to add as you go due size cost & space. (Basically a 105# old stereo amp.) It's pretty tough to beat for the price but... they are missing a few tech items that are now avaliable on some others that would be nice to have going forward. I.E. PowerPro etc.

However, that said, I believe the PowerPro WILL be the future work horse for HOUSEHOLD use. Easy to add as you go once you figure out how to deal with it's weight. (Arrived as a 385# box.) It is roughly equal to 3 Lifepower4's in storage, cost & weight. In my opinion, is is made to work with the 18kPV's & 6000XP's. It has heaters, switches & communication that the Lifepower4's do not. I just recieved my first (of 3) to go with my 18kPV in the house that we are building. I'm hoping the 18kPV will soon have the ability to better communicate with BOTH PowerPro & Lifepower4's at the same time. If not, I may have to add an additional 6000XP. To me, their only downside is their size & weight...and cost of course. It's tough to adapt them in some size restricted applications compared to the Lifepower4's.
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I have 12 of them. Very happy. Went with these because I have an 18 kpv, and SS stands behind both for 10 years.
Also keep in mind that the EG4 Communications Hub can bridge the gap between the EG4 Lifepower4's and most inverters. In addition it will free up a port on the batteries which will allow you to monitor all batteries with Solar Assistant while operating in closed loop with the Inverter.
In addition the Hub supports up to 30 batteries should you decide to add more down the road
Also keep in mind that the EG4 Communications Hub can bridge the gap between the EG4 Lifepower4's and most inverters. In addition it will free up a port on the batteries which will allow you to monitor all batteries with Solar Assistant while operating in closed loop with the Inverter.
In addition the Hub supports up to 30 batteries should you decide to add more down the road I had hoped as I just ordered one. I had hoped as I just ordered one.
I have one. Instead of having a "master" battery, the hub is the "master". Instead of having the inverter connected to the battery it is connected to the hub freeing up the "what was for the inverter" port for Solar Assistant.
Welcome to the forum.
Seeing you're in Jamaica I'd look at other options, cut out the middle man...
LOL Yes!
Having to ship a battery back from another country to get warranty service could be very expensive.
I would look at local pricing first because most countries do not charge Import Taxes on Solar equipment, so the prices will probably be lower than trying to buy and ship them from the USA.
Is the Eg4 Lifepower4 battery worth the low price purchase over similar batteries they make that cost a little more? What is the firmware update all about with the Lifepower4 batteries.

I may be a little biased but yes :). As for firmware updates with this battery, there are two options currently available. You can either utilize the BMS Test software with the included firmware update cable or use the new auto-update tool.
I have one EG4LL v.1 and two Lifepower4 batteries. I just received the auto-update tool from SigSolar (free of charge thank you!) and need to know if it will update the firmware on the EG4LL v.1 as well as on the Lifepower4 batteries.

Also, it sounds like the communications hub is well worth it, right?
The auto update tool is locked into the firmware version installed when shipped and as the auto update tool installed firmware cannot be updated. I believe the latest firmware is V3.37
The BMS_Test tool can upgrade (and downgrade) the firmware (so far). It is also nice to have as it lets you see more of the battery data than is displayed in third party software and in many cases will allow you to reset certain fault conditions.
The auto update tool is locked into the firmware version installed when shipped and as the auto update tool installed firmware cannot be updated. I believe the latest firmware is V3.37
The BMS_Test tool can upgrade (and downgrade) the firmware (so far). It is also nice to have as it lets you see more of the battery data than is displayed in third party software and in many cases will allow you to reset certain fault conditions.
So I CAN use the tool to update my EG4LL v.1 battery as well??
So I CAN use the tool to update my EG4LL v.1 battery as well??
Be careful on the EG4-LL, We have been dealing with Signature Solar on updating the EG4-ll ( VERY POOR SUPPORT) to use on 6000xp. It appear here is a special version of the bms_test that is needed to communicate with early versions of EG4-LL for updating. Not quite sure as its takes days to get a one line answer from SS support.
Be careful on the EG4-LL, We have been dealing with Signature Solar on updating the EG4-ll ( VERY POOR SUPPORT) to use on 6000xp. It appear here is a special version of the bms_test that is needed to communicate with early versions of EG4-LL for updating. Not quite sure as its takes days to get a one line answer from SS support.
Hi! I'm so sorry you're having trouble! I'd like to get with your tech and get this addressed! If you'd like to dm me with your name and email address, I can get you reconnected and your issue fixed.
We've recently had a few employees out sick, so I'd like to ensure your emails were forwarded to another tech if yours isn't hasn't been in the office.
Be careful on the EG4-LL, We have been dealing with Signature Solar on updating the EG4-ll ( VERY POOR SUPPORT) to use on 6000xp. It appear here is a special version of the bms_test that is needed to communicate with early versions of EG4-LL for updating. Not quite sure as its takes days to get a one line answer from SS support.

The firmware and updating tool should be available in the link below for the LL-V1 batteries. The file should also include a guide to updating the firmware. This is a little confusing since it is on the 24V page, however, the 48V version is included. I would make sure to navigate to the EG4 LL V1 Firmware folder > 51.2V100Ah >EG4 and then make sure to download the "EG4 LL V1 Luxpower CAN.hex" File.

thanks for your help. I used the auto update tool for my lifepower4 baterries (very easy). I just ordered the update cable for my LL V1 battery from Signature Solar a couple minutes ago.

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