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Now imagine if trump had went after past leaders = ppl would have been out right revolution like happened in 2020. Everyone would be mad at Trump for locking them up. What you are seeing is justification for what will come if Trump is elected as pay back. Or just trauma drama. Keep ppl entertained like Fake professional wrestling. Trump loved that fake shit.

I read somewhere a presidential candidate was in a prison back in 1920’s. Ran for Presidential office while behind bars. I hope they put Trump behind bars and he gets elected. Will be Most historical story ever for politics.

We have had a lot of past leaders murdered. Have to wonder why they didn’t take that simple path with Trump? I’m serious count just nthe past presidents that have been murdered.

Some ppl on left would love to see TRUMP killed. They have never been able to say why…….figure they watched to much CNN ….. 😁
Now imagine if trump had went after past leaders = ppl would have been out right revolution like happened in 2020. Everyone would be mad at Trump for locking them up. What you are seeing is justification for what will come if Trump is elected as pay back. Or just trauma drama. Keep ppl entertained like Fake professional wrestling. Trump loved that fake shit.

I read somewhere a presidential candidate was in a prison back in 1920’s. Ran for Presidential office while behind bars. I hope they put Trump behind bars and he gets elected. Will be Most historical story ever for politics.

We have had a lot of past leaders murdered. Have to wonder why they didn’t take that simple path with Trump? I’m serious count just nthe past presidents that have been murdered.

Some ppl on left would love to see TRUMP killed. They have never been able to say why…….figure they watched to much CNN ….. 😁

This is fucking ridiculous. Sad day for America.
As a lifelong republican, I ask you why was this a sad day? I consider it a normal day in the United States. A man was convicted by a jury of his peers, not a political party. Both prosecution and defendants picked the jury. Moving it to another jurisdiction would not have made a difference.

Need to take a hard look at Trump’s attorney’s. That’s where the failure happened.
Peers? You mean life-long liberal progressives Trump haters? I am no fan of Trump (or any POTUS,after all its just a figurehead anyways) but the Kungaroo court that was Trump trial should give chill to anyone who can think as this is the type of system that will be used against all of us. (just like it was in USSR)
Peers? You mean life-long liberal progressives Trump haters? I am no fan of Trump (or any POTUS,after all its just a figurehead anyways) but the Kungaroo court that was Trump trial should give chill to anyone who can think as this is the type of system that will be used against all of us. (just like it was in USSR)
As a lifelong republican, I ask you why was this a sad day? I consider it a normal day in the United States. A man was convicted by a jury of his peers, not a political party. Both prosecution and defendants picked the jury. Moving it to another jurisdiction would not have made a difference.

Need to take a hard look at Trump’s attorney’s. That’s where the failure happened.
Imagine hard evidence being the reason for a conviction. These idiots in this forum don't understand though.
@Ryujin You have a severe case of TDS.
And so did all of the jurors in that case (I know, i live in NYC area, i know the mentality here - what's really interesting is that there is very large conservative groups here as well but they are being shut up and shut down at every level, and most, sadly are self-sensoring).

Either way - you are literally imploding from TDS hate, but you appear to be a single issue pony (homosexual "rights?"). One thing i can tell you for SURE, based on history - the entire queer movement will be absolutely steamrolled by the marxists once they serve their purpose. Dont believe me? Study history of the USSR 1920-1930. History is repeating itself.
This case was about a misdemeanor that was beyond the statute of limitations that was somehow elevated into 34 felonies by an underlying crime .... and no actual lawyer understands what the underlying crime was. The star witness is a proven serial liar.

It was a completely novel case .... meaning that in the history of our legal system there has never been another case that was charged in such a way. Zero precedent.

There is no way it can stand up to appeal .... and of the people claiming it was a legitimate conviction, it is obvious that none know anything about the case .... or are just being disingenuous.
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Using campaign funds for anything other than a campaign is illegal. Simple. It’s the law.
Using campaign funds for anything other than a campaign is illegal. Simple. It’s the law.
Might want to ask why it takes over Billion dollars to get elected to a job that pays around $450,000 a year. Make sense? Fauci was paid more then president …..military was paying him a salary too. Israel kicked him a $1 million dollar award for best scientist. Hmmm …. I bet every politician could be charged.

Then as for breaking law there was hillary that destroyed evidence yet she didn’t destroy all of it and never charged. It is pointed 1 side. How did Zuckerbucks donation of half billion get used. ? 😁 whooo hooo. Let the show go on.

I want to see the list where our tax dollars paid for sex offenders in congress.

Epstein list of who is fucking children would be a better list. Let the public randomly decide their fate afterwords.
Might want to ask why it takes over Billion dollars to get elected to a job that pays around $450,000 a year. Make sense? Fauci was paid more then president …..military was paying him a salary too. Israel kicked him a $1 million dollar award for best scientist. Hmmm …. I bet every politician could be charged.

Then as for breaking law there was hillary that destroyed evidence yet she didn’t destroy all of it and never charged. It is pointed 1 side. How did Zuckerbucks donation of half billion get used. ? 😁 whooo hooo. Let the show go on.
Stay on topic, if possible. This was about illegal activity and a conviction by Trump’s peers. I never talked about Fauci or Hillary.

Anyway, as I said before , lifelong republican and if his peers convicted must have had enough evidence.
Stay on topic, if possible. This was about illegal activity and a conviction by Trump’s peers. I never talked about Fauci or Hillary.

Anyway, as I said before , lifelong republican and if his peers convicted must have had enough evidence.

He was not convicted by his peers.
It was Kangaroo Court, with corrupt persecutor on made up case, corrupt judge and jury that was suffering from TDS.
This was lawfare in the best tradition of USSR of the 20th century

Stay on topic, if possible. This was about illegal activity and a conviction by Trump’s peers. I never talked about Fauci or Hillary.

Anyway, as I said before , lifelong republican and if his peers convicted must have had enough evidence.
This is the Chit Chat an off topic forum. Learn where you are or don’t ….. the judge gave very specific instructions. The judge was very biased from word go and controlled the court to the end. I am aware of the jury. Am also aware the mobs controlled them in ny for years. Are you not aware of mob control in nyc trials by jury in the past?
Baha ahaha
He was not convicted by his peers.
It was Kangaroo Court, with corrupt persecutor on made up case, corrupt judge and jury that was suffering from TDS.
This was lawfare in the best tradition of USSR of the 20th century

Odd that Trump’s defense attorneys would pick a jury of his peers to convict him.

Corrupt Judge and Jury, blah blah blah. Getting annoying in the media.
Using campaign funds for anything other than a campaign is illegal. Simple. It’s the law.
If there was any violation of campaign finance laws that would be a federal case, not a local state jurisdiction. The feds looked at it and decided there was no case.

For anyone who WANTS to know what the case was about .... This article does a pretty good job of explaining it.
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As a lifelong republican, I ask you why was this a sad day? I consider it a normal day in the United States. A man was convicted by a jury of his peers, not a political party. Both prosecution and defendants picked the jury. Moving it to another jurisdiction would not have made a difference.

Need to take a hard look at Trump’s attorney’s. That’s where the failure happened.i
As said. Every juror was a documented democrat voter. The case wasnt legitimate, what he was charged with should have been a misdemeanor that expired under statute of limitations. Brought to court 9 years after the alleged offense in an election year?
This is the Chit Chat an off topic forum. Learn where you are or don’t ….. the judge gave very specific instructions. The judge was very biased from word go and controlled the court to the end. I am aware of the jury. Am also aware the mobs controlled them in ny for years. Are you not aware of mob control in nyc trials by jury in the past?
Baha ahaha
The judge donated to a radical group that supported Biden ..... That donation was illegal .... This judge should have NEVER presided over a Trump case.

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