diy solar

diy solar

Weird issue with 6000XP 🤷‍♂️

I have to say, at least we are not all using lead acid. That has a whole big box of "ifs" and maintenance. I am sure there are plenty of people on this forum that would disagree but, I am young enough to not have had much to do with lead acid. I am glad for that!
I was wondering if charging with the chargeverter would speed up the process on balancing them out. Unfortunately I’m still waiting for mine to ship lol
Generally you want to charge them slowly versus fast. Faster is just going to hit cell over volt protection faster.

Now if you are faced with insufficient solar to keep things at float for extended times then a chargeverter (or any charger) set to low amperage would be handy.
Generally you want to charge them slowly versus fast. Faster is just going to hit cell over volt protection faster.

Now if you are faced with insufficient solar to keep things at float for extended times then a chargeverter (or any charger) set to low amperage would be handy.
So far it’s ironing itself out. I discharge nightly and usually use a 125A charge until I hit around 90% (per BMS). I then drop the charge current down to between 10-20A and since doing that, I haven’t hit overvolt warning or protection again. This process is just taking awhile lol. Deltas have been getting better and better over 3.4x cell voltages.

The thought on the chargeverter was to really control the last 10% slow charging.
I was wondering if charging with the chargeverter would speed up the process on balancing them out. Unfortunately I’m still waiting for mine to ship lol
If you’d like to dm me your order number, I can look into your expected ship date! :)
I can certainly relate to that. I struggled for months trying to get my stack of 8 EG4 Lifepower4 batteries to charge evenly while hooked up to a pair of EG4 EX6500. I got so frustrated with EG4's inability to properly support the unit, I did the upgrade program and now have a single EG4 6000xp in service, and the other one as a spare. The batteries seem to balance a lot better now, I think that might have something to do with the firmware upgrade I did. I still am not out of the woods though as I know my system is not optimized. The thing that bothers the heck out of me with this new inverter is that I want to be able to set the charge amperage manually and the unit wants to determine it from what it sees from BMS and it seems to have a lot of problems talking to my batteries. I had upgraded my eight batteries with the upgrade dongle and thought I had done a good job, but my unit only sees 5 batteries. I never had the correct cable to hook my batteries up to a PC. Signature Solar is sending me one, but it literally takes them two weeks to process and internal order and ship anything. I'll confirm battery firmware once the cable arrives.
If you’d also like to send me a dm with your order number or name and email address, I can look into when your cable should arrive!
Well…..many updates!

The deltas are slowly getting better, they’re still not where I want them but, they are improving. Batteries have only been cycled like, 9 times so far. Cells are regularly hitting 3.5-ish with little issue, now I just need the Deltas to get better lol.

Lastnight I made a booboo and left the cover off the jacuzzi (on purpose) but didn’t shut off the 50A to it. It decided to kick on around midnight and my unit ran FULL TILT for 2.5-ish hours lol.

I’m impressed the unit carried 6.110kw without complaining for as long as it did! EOD settings also worked on the unit.

Today marks a waypoint for my setup, highest KW produced yet! Personal goal by the end of summer is to produce 1Mw.


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Well…. Looks like I’m going full throttle now 🤣

20 more 370W ZN Shine panels….

Revamp of the current skids is upcoming! Going to modify them and go with a slightly different setup. I’m wanting to do something similar to the setup below, just mounting it to my skids using 4 bolt pipe flanges. I need to start looking for parts and ordering this weekend. (Input is GREATLY appreciated!)

Once that’s done, I’ll be adding another XP and 2 more lifepower4’s for a full rack.

Deltas are still getting better. I need to continue cycling the setup, I’m only around 9 cycles at this point.


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diy solar

diy solar