diy solar

diy solar

18kpv software suggestions


New Member
Dec 31, 2023
I had a thought that with the EG4 support guys here always lending us a helping hand that we could return the favor and provide them with some suggestions on software changes we would like to see on the 18kpv system. Not issues as such. So that this doesn’t get all hijacked and off point let’s keep it as concise but as defined as possible (think how would it be implemented via the software and its interface) - but explained as completely as possible. Let’s keep it in point form to facilitate ease for EG4 and then they can also refer to the point # with feedback. This is specific to the web interface as I find that the app doesn’t provide as much functionality as the web. They can always update the app if so desired. @EG4_Eric @EG4_Jared @EG4_Jarrett @EG4_Ty

So for me…

1. Have “Last charge” enable/disable be switched with a time schedule. For example I would like it so that it will switch to enable at 1100am to 1500pm and be disabled the rest of the time. I could harvest more pv during this time and currently have to manually enable and disable it everyday.

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3. Is there a way for the system to notify the user when grid power is lost and restored in a grid tied scenario? Alarm? Email? Notification in the app?

Right now the only way I know if the grid has gone down is if the aircon/instant hot water tries to go on and takes everything down. Nothing else in the house draws that amounts of power so might never know when the grid is down. Would be nice to know, then I just kill the breakers on those 2 items and happily go about my day.
4. Could standby/backup power be added to the graph as an option in the columns in energy overview? Would be nice to know how much power was consumed while the grid was down.


3. Is there a way for the system to notify the user when grid power is lost and restored in a grid tied scenario? Alarm? Email? Notification in the app?

Right now the only way I know if the grid has gone down is if the aircon/instant hot water tries to go on and takes everything down. Nothing else in the house draws that amounts of power so might never know when the grid is down. Would be nice to know, then I just kill the breakers on those 2 items and happily go about my day.

Currently, the only way to receive a notice would be to disable the Grid Loss Warning Clear in application settings.


diy solar

diy solar