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diy solar

How best to interconnect hybrid inverters with 400A service


New Member
Jul 18, 2024
Central Florida
Hello everyone, I am a Florida homeowner looking to install a PV system. I have a fairly non standard power entry service to my home so I would appreciate any help anyone can provide onhow best to accomplish the grid interconnection. Everything else I think I understand pretty well.

My mind is waffling between all the transfer switch methods, CT monitoring of two 200a panels, backfeed breaker issues, using barn for grid connect with zero export and run a load back to the other 200a panel to be the always on loads or maybe even an interlock in one of the panels to feed it only from solar with the barn powered only from solar. There are probably hundreds of methods that I have not thought of but if it were you how would you do it?

Current grid environment:
400A meter base only housing feeding two adjacent outdoor 200A disconnect panels with feedhrough lugs. The outdoor panels via the feedthrough lugs connect to two 200A distribution panelsinside the house. We will call them Main A and B and Distribution A and B for further discussion. The main panels provide the neutral ground bond. A 20A 240V well pump breaker is fed by Main A. A 50A and a 100A breakerare fed by Main B to power an ac condensor unit and a barn subpanel respectively. No other loads are connected to the outside main panels. Note these loads can be rearranged between panels if needed as there is a troughunderneath both main panels. The AC and well pump could also be relocated to the distribution panels inside if needed as they are not far and easily accessible. The barn subpanel is 125A and also has a 100A breaker to actas an exterior disconnect at the barn end about 125 feet away from the house. The barn subpanel has a electric truck charger currently set at 48A max. Distribution panel A has only 120V loads thus all 240V loads are in panelB inside the home.

Current Grid Usage:
The maximum load ever seen is around 14kw combined for both panels when the electric truck charger is operating only after midnight to get the break from the power company. My home usesall LED lighting and all electric appliances, I also have soft starters on both AC units and variable speed well and pool pumps so there is never any high amperage start currents. The only reason I have a 400a main serviceis due to breaker fill issue in the distribution panels.

I would like to install a PV system with batteries to provide power during an extended grid down event. I would also as a secondary goal like to at least offset my power usage during goodsunlight periods in addition to charging the batteries. I also would not like to deal with setting up a critical loads panel if at all possible. I don't mind shedding some load manually during an extended outage if neededhowever.

Current plan:
Mount all solar equipment and batteries in the barn for space, access and safety reasons.
Install ground mount solar array for ease of maintenance with appropriate size to offset current average usage. Not yet decided on brand etc.
Use contractor for permit/inspection nuances in my county. Try to offset cost by doing some of the work myself.
Start with one EG4 12KPV or Solark 12K hybrid inverter initially but plan for two units in parallel to provide total power needed.
Use 48V 100ah EG4 LL batteries or similar stacked in a cabinet so they are modular and easily maintained if one fails. Use closed loop capable with inverter selected.

Thanks in advance for your insights.
I would use the eg4 18kpv or sol-ark 15k for the 200 amp passthrough for each main panel.
If you get batteries, then parallel the battery connection of both to the same battery bank, and limit each inverter to 1/2 the max charge and discharge rate of the batteries.

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