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Bring Back Public Humiliation / Hanging?

Should we bring back public humiliation with cages and public hanging for the murderers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters
I'm guessing for those released years later after their convictions being tossed 90% of them belonged in prison anyways for other crimes.
Sure, that is true for a lot of people. Look at the Steven Avery case. By all accounts he is a scumbag but the government needs to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. And taking his nephew as collateral damage is heartbreaking.
There are too many laws on the books that allow bad actors to prosecute anyone they dislike.

Unfortunately corruption in everything is a problem but as long as no one cares or holds people accountable this stuff will continue.

The corrupt must have a big light shone on them.

Yes it’s a lot of folks but you got to start somewhere.

Corruption is systemic because certain people have zero moral fiber.
Kids calm down if know their ass will be spanked. When corporal punishment went away kids misbehaved. No consequences.
Unless they think they can get away.... I can't remember what I did, I did a lot of dumb shit had a lot of learnings experiences as a kid. One I was always remember was my Dad chasing me down with one leg in a santa clause cast hearing the thump of every other step behind me getting closer... I knew I was going to get my ass beat if he caught me, fortunately I slipped on ice and ate shit bad enough he felt sorry for me....

As for the thread title... Yea, an eye for an eye .... Steal a candy bar, be forced to eat them until you puke. Kill someone intentionally get the rope.... Where it gets difficult is the guy/gal who's going through a divorce goes on a bender because their wife/husband completely fucked them up emotionally and they do something stupid in a drunken rage.... How do you handle that ? Eh bad example I guess.
Good points made above about those that had a really fucked up childhood...

I guess it really depends on the severity and circumstances of the crime / incident.
Society has become way to soft, it's not good.
Unless they think they can get away.... I can't remember what I did, I did a lot of dumb shit had a lot of learnings experiences as a kid. One I was always remember was my Dad chasing me down with one leg in a santa clause cast hearing the thump of every other step behind me getting closer... I knew I was going to get my ass beat if he caught me, fortunately I slipped on ice and ate shit bad enough he felt sorry for me....

As for the thread title... Yea, an eye for an eye .... Steal a candy bar, be forced to eat them until you puke. Kill someone intentionally get the rope.... Where it gets difficult is the guy/gal who's going through a divorce goes on a bender because their wife/husband completely fucked them up emotionally and they do something stupid in a drunken rage.... How do you handle that ? Eh bad example I guess.
Good points made above about those that had a really fucked up childhood...

I guess it really depends on the severity and circumstances of the crime / incident.
Society has become way to soft, it's not good.
What should happen to E Jean Carroll if ever found to have lied. Stealing X amount of money is a felon charge ….. most States it is $500 and above. If she lies and gets caught taking millions from Trump what should happen? She has already been shown to be bat shit crazy.
So….what if she isn’t lying?
Was it just a lovers quarrel head bump rough sex. He wasn’t charged with rape.


What happened to this guy? Was he punished.

Updated 5:13 PM EDT, March 27, 2024
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — The Illinois Supreme Court will hear an appeal of actor Jussie Smollett’s disorderly conduct conviction for staging a racist and homophobic attack against himself in 2019, then lying to Chicago police about it.
The court on Wednesday accepted the appeal from Smollett, formerly a cast member of the television drama “Empire.” It will review a December state appellate court rulingthat upheld his 2021 conviction by a Cook County jury.
The case kicked up an international uproar and produced an intensive manhunt by Chicago police detectives.
There is no date set for the high court to hear arguments in the matter.
A special prosecutor refiled charges against Smollett after Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx dropped the case and Smollett forfeited his $10,000 bond and conducted community service, which Smollett argues ended the case.
In a 2-1 decision, the state’s First District Appellate Court dismissed those claims, declaring that no one promised Smollett he wouldn’t face a fresh prosecution after accepting the original deal. Justice Freddrenna Lyle dissented, calling the refiled charges “fundamentally unfair.”
His attorneys have argued that Smollett, who is Black and gay, has been victimized by a racist and politicized justice system.
Smollett was found guilty of five counts of disorderly conduct for setting up the attack in which he claimed two men assaulted him on a Chicago street. He claimed they spouted slurs and an oath about being in “MAGA country” — an apparent reference to former President Donald Trump’s rallying credo — before tossing a noose around his neck.

Testimony at his trial indicated Smollett paid $3,500 to two men whom he knew from “Empire,” which was filmed in Chicago, to carry out the attack. But Smollett took the stand and told the jury, “There was no hoax.”
He was sentenced to 150 days in jail — six of which he served before he was freed pending appeal — 30 months of probation and ordered to pay $130,160 in restitution.
Did any of you ever do something as a kid and knew you were going to get the belt, so you padded up your rear end with old comic books or something else 🤣

I did it a few times and thought I was lucky that Pops did not realize . Jeez I was dumb as a brick!
Later in life as a parent I realized how obvious this was:).

The old man let me get away with it because he really did not want to inflict pain and was probably amused at my attempt to get around it.
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I was the one who was determined not to cry no matter what ..... my brother would start screaming bloody murder before they ever laid a finger on him.

Alek Baldwin has been lying thru his teeth ever since he shot that woman on the movie set ..... took them a long time to decide to try him .... now it got thrown out because of some technicality.
I haven't believed there is any justice in the system for a long time.

About 80% of cases are repeat offenders ..... They get short or no sentences in order to provide job security for judges and lawyers .... Just keep recycling them.
Why would they put them away for a long time ..... that would just threaten their job security. I think all of them have conflicts of interest.
I was the one who was determined not to cry no matter what ..... my brother would start screaming bloody murder before they ever laid a finger on him.

Alek Baldwin has been lying thru his teeth ever since he shot that woman on the movie set ..... took them a long time to decide to try him .... now it got thrown out because of some technicality.
I haven't believed there is any justice in the system for a long time.

About 80% of cases are repeat offenders ..... They get short or no sentences in order to provide job security for judges and lawyers .... Just keep recycling them.
Why would they put them away for a long time ..... that would just threaten their job security. I think all of them have conflicts of interest.
That’s another way of thinking about it I guess, just like I don’t trust 95% of the innocence project bullshit either.
I was the one who was determined not to cry no matter what ..... my brother would start screaming bloody murder before they ever laid a finger on him.

Alek Baldwin has been lying thru his teeth ever since he shot that woman on the movie set ..... took them a long time to decide to try him .... now it got thrown out because of some technicality.
I haven't believed there is any justice in the system for a long time.

About 80% of cases are repeat offenders ..... They get short or no sentences in order to provide job security for judges and lawyers .... Just keep recycling them.
Why would they put them away for a long time ..... that would just threaten their job security. I think all of them have conflicts of interest.
Its more a result of money (everything always is). A small time prosecutor in a small county in PA is making what $50k-$100k per year? Their limited salary (compared to partners at a large law firm) means they only attract small time talent. And any big talent that does work there doesn't stay long before leaving for something more lucrative.

Small time prosecutors only prosecute small time criminals that don't have any resources to defend themselves. Going after a big time criminal is a huge drain of resources on a small office. So they only do it for slam dunk cases and try to give defendants plea deals at every opportunity.

Would a public defender making peanuts have gotten Alec Baldwin's case thrown out? Not a chance. This was possible because Baldwin can spend money on the best lawyers who have teams of grunts researching every possible angle. And now this prosecutor's office just wasted all these resources with nothing to show for it.
The thing with Alec Baldwin did he knowingly fire a load gun or not? All guns were suppose been made non-lethal. Yet Brandon Lee died from supposed blank firing gun. There weren't suppose to be real guns on a set. Think the person over guns is in prison ? No? Yes?

The Alec Baldwin case is a tough one.

No don’t believe in public humiliation and don’t see public executions as humiliation but more so confirmation of punishment for actual convicted crimes beyond reasonable doubt. Again we know the legal system can does make mistakes. The ppl making those mistakes need to be held accountable.

I read harris had info on someone in prison that would have freed them but she buried it. She was a district attorney at the time. Should she and her ppl have been prosecuted for suppressing - destroying evidence that wrongfully imprisoned a man and kept him there? There were others too. She was tough on drugs but she used them and bragged about it.

How about this:

Would $1 million dollar be enough compensation for wrongfully locked up for ~25 years? Imagine had they gotten the death penalty.
Jim McCloskey, second from right, poses for a photo with three men he helped free from prison. From left, Kenny Gardiner, Dominic Lucci, McCloskey and Mark Jones. McCloskey founded Centurion Ministries, a New Jersey nonprofit that works to free wrongfully convicted inmates. (Courtesy of Diane Bladecki)

Do you think ppl should be sent to prison with goal of getting them: beaten, raped, and killed? Is that justice? It goes on everyday. Imagine Trump thrown in prison would someone want to rape him in there just because he is Trump Orange man. The Left would rejoice. The legal system has been weaponized for long time….Trump being abused is just high profile for way it has been for century or more. OJ Simpson had better lawyers than Trump. Flip side. A broke man is usually going to prison and or not getting proper representation in legal system It is not justice. If OJ Simpson had been broke he would have probably went to prison for 2 murders.
I read harris had info on someone in prison that would have freed them but she buried it. She was a district attorney at the time. Should she and her ppl have been prosecuted for suppressing - destroying evidence that wrongfully imprisoned a man and kept him there?
Yes 100% yes. Prosecutors abusing their power like this should be sentenced to more time than what they sentenced their defendants to that they screwed over.

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