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diy solar

Bring Back Public Humiliation / Hanging?

Should we bring back public humiliation with cages and public hanging for the murderers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • No

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters
Last guy we hung was at the Don in 62
I don't think I could watch something like that.
Pretty awful if they screw it up.
Last guy we hung was at the Don in 62
I don't think I could watch something like that.
Pretty awful if they screw it up.
why? screw it up one of two things happen, they thrash a bit and then die, or it rips their head off and they die. either way the end result was what the court ordered. and you can reuse the rope... make your gallows out of steel and with proper corrosion control you can reuse them indefinitely as well.
why? screw it up one of two things happen, they thrash a bit and then die, or it rips their head off and they die. either way the end result was what the court ordered. and you can reuse the rope... make your gallows out of steel and with proper corrosion control you can reuse them indefinitely as well.

In my state, I remember a guy on death row who was sentenced to be hung.

He ate and slothed his way to obesity and then argued hanging would decapitate him and that decapitation constituted cruel and unusual punishment and theirfore could not proceed.

Edit: Found it. He won.

if I saw that in front of me in real life I would have given her a soccer kick to her jaw. she would never consider doing that again without having flashbacks to the time her jaw got broken.
Kick that animal in the pee hole. She is worse then an animal. That is not a person they checked out as human a long time ago. They had videos of why so many business closed down and it was literally ppl coming in and doing things like that pissing and shitting middle of stores HIGH ASF on drugs. They are the friggin MOVIE zombies a human shell creature from beyond inside them - animated and possessed …. No salvation left.
In my state, I remember a guy on death row who was sentenced to be hung.

He ate and slothed his way to obesity and then argued hanging would decapitate him and that decapitation constituted cruel and unusual punishment and theirfore could not proceed.

Edit: Found it. He won.

I worked with a guy that got to fat to climb ladders.
He didn't have to do a lot of jobs after that...

His legs turned purple and we thought he was going to die at one point.
Kick that animal in the pee hole. She is worse then an animal. That is not a person they checked out as human a long time ago. They had videos of why so many business closed down and it was literally ppl coming in and doing things like that pissing and shitting middle of stores HIGH ASF on drugs. They are the friggin MOVIE zombies a human shell creature from beyond inside them - animated and possessed …. No salvation left.
yuck the idea of getting that nasty slimy cunts nastieness on my shoes makes me want to barf... not to mention it would probably eat my shoe and makes moves for my foot as well.
They are the friggin MOVIE zombies a human shell creature from beyond inside them - animated and possessed …. No salvation left.
You know I was with the wife coming home from errands and we saw two people injecting drugs near a major intersection
And I have seen them stumbling around like zombies in the same area.
It’s really is hard to believe

I think back to when I bought my house
I never saw a panhandler
And the death toll from all this.

You look at them and think wow
That used to be a person with hopes and dreams
Parrents, a job maybe kids of their own

Now they are zombies that pan handle and do petty crimes to support a drug habit
Sometimes even worse the kill each other with drugs or commit acts of violence when out of their minds

I have a nephew that works out in the oil fields that got hooked on drugs
He has done his best to turn his life around but you can never undo all the harm and make up the lost years
And I have worked with guys that guy hooked on prescription drugs only to end up out there someplace no one can find.

I can see why some people want to send drug dealers to the gallows
I can see why some people want to send drug dealers to the gallows
its bad enough when people get on the damn things themselves...

as far as I am concerned they all need to be hung to stop the spread. not the users, the pushers. hang them all. if a person wants to scramble their brains due to some internal demons they deal with there is not much you can say except sucks to be you. when you have people tricked, forced, slipped into that life by a person whose sole purpose is to get them hooked to make money off of them they are no different then the eruopean slave traders and the african kings that sold the slaves to them.

I can see why they tried abolition back in the days but they went about it wrong, simply kill the pushers and the traffickers, do not bother with incarcerating the users or demonizing them, just go 100% after those that push, sell and traffic. hang them high, only proof needed is we catch you attempting to sell. I would bet you have a lot more LEO involved shootings going both ways, but after a short period of time the LEO's will just shoot first and talk later... it will even out.
its bad enough when people get on the damn things themselves...
I knew a guy ( or rather his sons )
He got pinned between a bumper on a truck and loading dock and it crushed his pelvis.
He recovered but you never really recover from that and he was in constant pain and limping.
They found him swinging from the rafters in his basement.
One of his kids found him I cant remember which one.
No one recovered from that family imploded and it was caused by an accident that could happen to anyone of us.

My uncle too.
He was a cop with the local constabulary.
A big man, tough guy I once saw chase a bear with an axe because it was closer at hand than his revolver...
Heavy drinker, got into pills too. ( i can blame his job and lack of support and intervention from his superiors
Turned wife beater slapped my cousins around too. )
Lost his job with the force began drinking more heavily and taking more pills and he died on a piss stained mattress.

People fall to pieces sometimes.
I've watched friends and family die of addiction and despair ( uncle and in law among them. ok step sisters husband was a twit, a jerk but he didn't deserve that death ).

Way too many people die from preventable shit
Maybe we should concentrate on stopping the moral declines and deaths of despair than trying to hang flog shame people

Oh my nephew!!!!
I should have took him in when he was young.
He could not adapt to life out west ( white kid with poor English and hard slav accent ( mocked in BC where everyone is Chinese or East Indian now ).
Troubled kid from a broken home too.
He liked be around me and around people that he could understand and talk too.
Instead I left out on the cold and he lived on the streets..
That's all on me...
I could have brought him here to the nickel city, got him some treatment, back in school and I bet he would have bounced right back instead of being lost for so many years.

You know they say you should never point your finger at someone else because there are three more than are going to point back at you for what you did or failed to do.
I'm watching another family member die right now from self abuse ad depression.
I talk to him and I visit him and I do what I can but I know its coming
I knew a guy ( or rather his sons )
He got pinned between a bumper on a truck and loading dock and it crushed his pelvis.
He recovered but you never really recover from that and he was in constant pain and limping.
They found him swinging from the rafters in his basement.
One of his kids found him I cant remember which one.
No one recovered from that family imploded and it was caused by an accident that could happen to anyone of us.

My uncle too.
He was a cop with the local constabulary.
A big man, tough guy I once saw chase a bear with an axe because it was closer at hand than his revolver...
Heavy drinker, got into pills too. ( i can blame his job and lack of support and intervention from his superiors
Turned wife beater slapped my cousins around too. )
Lost his job with the force began drinking more heavily and taking more pills and he died on a piss stained mattress.

People fall to pieces sometimes.
I've watched friends and family die of addiction and despair ( uncle and in law among them. ok step sisters husband was a twit, a jerk but he didn't deserve that death ).

Way too many people die from preventable shit
Maybe we should concentrate on stopping the moral declines and deaths of despair than trying to hang flog shame people

Oh my nephew!!!!
I should have took him in when he was young.
He could not adapt to life out west ( white kid with poor English and hard slav accent ( mocked in BC where everyone is Chinese or East Indian now ).
Troubled kid from a broken home too.
He liked be around me and around people that he could understand and talk too.
Instead I left out on the cold and he lived on the streets..
That's all on me...
I could have brought him here to the nickel city, got him some treatment, back in school and I bet he would have bounced right back instead of being lost for so many years.

You know they say you should never point your finger at someone else because there are three more than are going to point back at you for what you did or failed to do.
I'm watching another family member die right now from self abuse ad depression.
I talk to him and I visit him and I do what I can but I know its coming
i reserve the right to hate.... I watched my sister get hooked long distance while I was off in the military, by a couple of her "friends" who later became small time pushers in rural Indiana. it ruined her life and she took her own life a few years later. fuck them all. eventually all that were involved died anyway... one from her own drug use and another from general stupidity in a car, but it did not happen soon enough in my books, nor was it nearly painful enough.
Hate will consume you.
Negativity will shorten your life.

In my opinion being a pessimist is often the most effective way to see the truth.
You have to see bullshit in order to not believe it.
You have to be upset about something to do something about it.
But you have to detach yourself from anger and negativity to make something good come of your motivation.

I try and do a few things to to self improve and make the world a better place. ( mostly I try to be kind when it is my nature to be indifferent )
I hold doors open for people and let try and be nice behind the wheel.
I don't do things for money I do them for favours ( nothing weird and try and pass it on style good will )
I won't give money to panhandlers, but I will buy them food.
I try to never lie unless its to protect someone.
I weigh the pros and cons of my actions three steps down the road to see if what I am doing is something ethical.
I look for small things I could do right now.
( I over use the I thing )

Right now I have anger boarding on hate festering in me.
I feel like it would be really nice to see misfortune happen on someone in particular.
I got to shake this off and do some good with that motivation and I think once I do I'll feel better.

Feeling is a thing here..
Your feelings will tell you what is right and wrong
Some of the best people I know found things like Jesus at the bottom of whisky bottles, or found redemption in public good deeds like volunteer work and helping others..... and turned out to be inspirational to me
I may never be that good but I can certainly learn from that and be better.
But first you must recognize the darkness of indifference and the poison that is hate.
I was not raised to be warm or friendly.
I was taught that the winner takes all and sometimes the ends justify the means.
I learn violence can be a means to an end.
I learned to live with some of the things I have done.
They did not make me happy and they did not make the world around me any better.

One day when I die I might find out there is an after life where I am questioned on things.
OR I may just be worm food, but I don't want to be remembered as angry and did nothing to change things

Not preaching.
sounds like a sermon...
But if you want the world to be a better place you got to walk the talk.
Hate will consume you.
Negativity will shorten your life.

In my opinion being a pessimist is often the most effective way to see the truth.
You have to see bullshit in order to not believe it.
You have to be upset about something to do something about it.
But you have to detach yourself from anger and negativity to make something good come of your motivation.

I try and do a few things to to self improve and make the world a better place. ( mostly I try to be kind when it is my nature to be indifferent )
I hold doors open for people and let try and be nice behind the wheel.
I don't do things for money I do them for favours ( nothing weird and try and pass it on style good will )
I won't give money to panhandlers, but I will buy them food.
I try to never lie unless its to protect someone.
I weigh the pros and cons of my actions three steps down the road to see if what I am doing is something ethical.
I look for small things I could do right now.
( I over use the I thing )

Right now I have anger boarding on hate festering in me.
I feel like it would be really nice to see misfortune happen on someone in particular.
I got to shake this off and do some good with that motivation and I think once I do I'll feel better.

Feeling is a thing here..
Your feelings will tell you what is right and wrong
Some of the best people I know found things like Jesus at the bottom of whisky bottles, or found redemption in public good deeds like volunteer work and helping others..... and turned out to be inspirational to me
I may never be that good but I can certainly learn from that and be better.
But first you must recognize the darkness of indifference and the poison that is hate.
I was not raised to be warm or friendly.
I was taught that the winner takes all and sometimes the ends justify the means.
I learn violence can be a means to an end.
I learned to live with some of the things I have done.
They did not make me happy and they did not make the world around me any better.

One day when I die I might find out there is an after life where I am questioned on things.
OR I may just be worm food, but I don't want to be remembered as angry and did nothing to change things

Not preaching.
sounds like a sermon...
But if you want the world to be a better place you got to walk the talk.

Hate will consume you.
Negativity will shorten your life.

In my opinion being a pessimist is often the most effective way to see the truth.
You have to see bullshit in order to not believe it.
You have to be upset about something to do something about it.
But you have to detach yourself from anger and negativity to make something good come of your motivation.

I try and do a few things to to self improve and make the world a better place. ( mostly I try to be kind when it is my nature to be indifferent )
I hold doors open for people and let try and be nice behind the wheel.
I don't do things for money I do them for favours ( nothing weird and try and pass it on style good will )
I won't give money to panhandlers, but I will buy them food.
I try to never lie unless its to protect someone.
I weigh the pros and cons of my actions three steps down the road to see if what I am doing is something ethical.
I look for small things I could do right now.
( I over use the I thing )

Right now I have anger boarding on hate festering in me.
I feel like it would be really nice to see misfortune happen on someone in particular.
I got to shake this off and do some good with that motivation and I think once I do I'll feel better.

Feeling is a thing here..
Your feelings will tell you what is right and wrong
Some of the best people I know found things like Jesus at the bottom of whisky bottles, or found redemption in public good deeds like volunteer work and helping others..... and turned out to be inspirational to me
I may never be that good but I can certainly learn from that and be better.
But first you must recognize the darkness of indifference and the poison that is hate.
I was not raised to be warm or friendly.
I was taught that the winner takes all and sometimes the ends justify the means.
I learn violence can be a means to an end.
I learned to live with some of the things I have done.
They did not make me happy and they did not make the world around me any better.

One day when I die I might find out there is an after life where I am questioned on things.
OR I may just be worm food, but I don't want to be remembered as angry and did nothing to change things

Not preaching.
sounds like a sermon...
But if you want the world to be a better place you got to walk the talk.
not saying you are wrong or right, but I hate drug dealers... its that simple. plus they and their product have helped ruin the rest of north america as well. you want to smoke some weed, thats your own business, you want to push fentanyl laced shit on 12 year olds... you need a good sharp knife slid into your kidneys and liver. nice and slow so that you feel it. as far as the rest of it.... think of it as gods work, protecting the children and all that other happy horseshit.

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