diy solar

diy solar

Have Suitcase Panel, want to Add


Nov 10, 2019
Hello, I have a 100 watt suitcase panel (my all-in-one was stolen though). I am starting from scratch and want to build the system (400 watt) that Will just did a video on the Renergy DC-DC. I want to know if I can buy either 3 flexible panels or 3 suitcase panels to complete this with my old panel. In other words, can I mix different panels. Any help is appreciated. P.S. I ordered Will's book already. Thanks for any help.
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you can mix different panels as long as the specs are relatively close or else there will be inefficiencies. But if they are all 100 watt panels with similar current and voltage ratings you should be fine
you can mix different panels as long as the specs are relatively close or else there will be inefficiencies. But if they are all 100 watt panels with similar current and voltage ratings you should be fine
Thanks Craig!

diy solar

diy solar