diy solar

diy solar

I'm a 71 year old woman who survived a stroke 3 years ago after watching off grid van dweller videos for about 9 years.

I am a skilled contractor. I completely understand the desire to be free from the burdens... but I just bought my 3rd property, I plan to set it up as a duplex rental property... it’s adjacent to my home, and has a well as well as being on city utilities. Taxes are less than 1K a year, and my career keeps the bills paid.

As I tie in more and more solar, the utilities diminish, and that’s my idea of being independent.

I have been on many long trips. Having a skill in trades, allows me to up and move anywhere, travel when I like... it’s pretty easy to find hotels needing something fixed...

My point is that learning a trade is a wise investment in your life...

But trying to be completely self sufficient without depending on others requires it.
Thank you, santa, for your wonderful, and I'm sure very helpful advice. The thing you will learn if you ever (God forbid) suffer a stroke is that Your brain becomes easily overwhelmed and very tired very fast. Considering everything I'm going through right now, and how I need to focus on clearing out my apartment, A confused by the format of this forum and don't really have the time to fully invest in acknowledging and answering every suggestion. Please know that your advice is much appreciated. Although I move very slowly these days, I have every intention of following up with many of the suggestions that have been given to me in this thread! With that I must say, "Good bye for now, and thank you all!"
How do you know I don't know about strokes??? Last time: Here is their website directly, with an emergency phone number: It takes no effort to click and call!
My point is that learning a trade is a wise investment in your life...

This thought as I sit here listening to a guy doing a reno on my bathroom that I COULD have done myself but, and I can't stress this enough, I don't WANT to. Laminate floor went in yesterday, the walls are being prepped now for painting very soon after the sanding stops, and then baseboard goes down and we move onto the wall tile and sliding shower door portion of the fun next week or the week after.

All to help me sell the house and buy another in a better area. FML.
This thought as I sit here listening to a guy doing a reno on my bathroom that I COULD have done myself but, and I can't stress this enough, I don't WANT to. Laminate floor went in yesterday, the walls are being prepped now for painting very soon after the sanding stops, and then baseboard goes down and we move onto the wall tile and sliding shower door portion of the fun next week or the week after.

All to help me sell the house and buy another in a better area. FML.
Yup. Wants and needs are different things. I LOVE it when I hire someone to provide a service for me. I like to focus my skills where they are most profitable.
Can I replace the sewer line in my basement? Sure! But I’d rather pay a plumber to do it quickly and with parts they carry...

Can I replace the wall in my living room my neighbor drove her car through? Sure! But I’d rather go to a hotel and have a builder complete the repairs while I do my day job earning a living. (Yes this happened to me)

Can I install new main circuit panel on my house when an ice storm took out power in my neighborhood? Hee hee... gee a tree came down and took out my 60amp feeder, and destroyed the meter box, and fuse boxes on the side of my 120year old house, and it got repaired by a local handyman with a new 200 amp combined meter/breaker panel... hee hee...
Mr. Unptility company... can you install a new 200 amp drop for me please?
Gosh, that week without power from the ice storm was a hassle... I didn’t go without power, of course... Onan gas generator, and a van fuel tank, solar panels, and a few modified sine wave inverters kept me going the whole time...

My first experience with this mess was in 89 when hurricane hugo came through north and South Carolina... power was out for 3 months... my family home in Lancaster sc was he only place for miles with powered well... our generator running, powered the well pump, and oil furnace, and neighbors came from miles around to get water... a few years later, and a Charlotte blizzard shut the city grid down for nearly a month... I was living on my own then, and my house froze... literally... my goldfish aquarium froze completely solid... that sucked! I moved from there and bought a place out in the country, with land and a large shop... took the generator from the family home in Lancaster before dad sold the place... because the sherif that lived next door shot fireworks through the attic gable and burned the house down... seriously... I’ve had a fun interesting life...
A lot of people think RV living is cheap because there is no mortgage/rent, electric bill, heating, etc..... However, you have to keep a gas tank filled, usually on a vehicle getting 8-10 mpg that also burns oil. A 100 mile trip may cost you $25-35 depending on mileage and gas prices that day. Start doing those exponential increments. 1000 miles will cost you $250-350. Plus oil. Expect mechanical issues that will not be cheap. Heating can become an issue depending on where in the USA Carmen Sandiego is, so there may be times a $30 per night campground with shore power is your only option other than hypothermia.

Many of those people you see in those Bob Wells videos that brag about living in their car on their small SS check share your financial woes. It is a sad state that our country keeps people alive longer yet doesn't do more for them. However, all the angst in the world is not a solution to that. There comes with that car dwelling thing a philosophical question of whether that kind of life is actually living or just existing. One particular woman he interviewed was in some tiny little car, ate every meal on gas station sandwiches, and her days were pretty much sitting in a chair staring straight ahead because she had to conserve her gas so much she didn't dare to run that engine any time other than when she moved. In my humble opinion, she is existing, not living.

Another went on and on about "freedom" and "independence" of not being tied to a mortgage or lease. Further in her interview she mentioned that she goes from child to child to child and lives in their driveway for 2-3 months at a time, plugged into their electricity, eating their food... What is free and independent about that? That is the definition of co-dependency. That is being a burden. However, often it is a product of circumstances. The reason I brought that up is that Bob goes to great lengths to sell that fallacy of "freedom", and people eventually buy into the brainwash. If you follow any of those RV Nomads that have youtube channels, they live on donations. Charity. Internet e-begging. Again, it is only my opinion, but I am not going to live in a world where I have to beg people for money, for solar panels, batteries, drones, gas money..... Generally one step above how animals live, JUST to brag about not having a job. Many of them shower once a week or less. (You can tell because they wear hats to cover their dirty hair.)

And somehow, most have money to smoke and drink. Some brag about always having their baggie of weed. It would seem when you are close to penniless that the vices should be the first thing to go.

So try very hard to leave behind any romantic notion about living on the road as a nomad. It is a very difficult life in the best case scenario. Add to that limited income, diminished physical ability and a general lack of familiarity with that kind of lifestyle and that is something you need to REALLY consider carefully. If you DO go down this road, a lot of people here will be pulling for you, Including me. It's a gutsy move. Thus far you have done it right, asking a lot of questions and drawing on experiences of many people with varying levels of experience.

You are judging a very small group of indigent people who live on the road any applying it to all of society? I know lots of full timers who have nice pensions and nice RVs. None of them stare out the window because they cant afford gas. Several of them travel to national widlife refuges and volunteer for a couple weeks at a time. They contribute more to society than most. None of them are proud of a bag of weed. And for what it's worth, nobody is "keeping us alive longer". Our generally poor choices have led to a DECREASE in life expectancy in the past few years, true of only ONE "first world" country.
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You can go ahead and skip Taos then! It's as cold as the dark side of the moon!

It was 3 degrees F in Taos when I woke up this morning. Two days ago the winds were so strong it twice blew out the wall furnace pilot light. Now the sun is up and it's a balmy 5F! Van dwellers aren't in Taos from November through May. But the other 5 months it's doable.
It was 3 degrees F in Taos when I woke up this morning. Two days ago the winds were so strong it twice blew out the wall furnace pilot light. Now the sun is up and it's a balmy 5F! Van dwellers aren't in Taos from November through May. But the other 5 months it's doable.
Ouf that's cold even for an exceptionally hairy yeti such as myself. Is there any way you can move closer to the many, fine New Mexican beachs to take advantage of the oceans temperature moderation?
You are judging a very small group of indigent people who live on the road any applying it to all of society? I know lots of full timers who have nice pensions and nice RVs. None of them stare out the window because they cant afford gas. Several of them travel to national wildlife refuges and volunteer for a couple weeks at a time. They contribute more to society than most. None of them are proud of a bag of weed.

And as a rule, none of that group have youtube and patreon accounts begging for money from strangers. While shooting video on a $2000 camera, including drone footage, and editing it with professional editing software on a extreme rocket sauce computer. All paid for by donations from the dumbasses who support them.

And for what it's worth, nobody is "keeping us alive longer". Our generally poor choices have led to a DECREASE in life expectancy in the past few years, true of only ONE "first world" country.

Actually that is not true. If you think about what these politicians are focused on, what is the battle cry of the liberals? "Medicare for all!" Well, what they mean is MedicAID. The free, welfare based program that the working public pays for. Nothing in the world is free. It may be free to the end consumer, but somebody is paying for it. That somebody is everybody with a job who pays taxes. Free college? Free health insurance? Really, Bernie? Free? THAT part of his speech he yells so the cameras record it. The part he whispers is "Yes. Taxes will go up." Then he attempts to validate that by adding "But they won't go up any more than what you would have been paying for expensive health insurance anyway. Well, if that's the case, get them get the expensive health care. I am not using their health care plan. I refuse to pay for it. And THAT is attempting to keep people alive longer, and it is obvious that the goal there is NOT a concern for the people. It is an attempt to keep them healthy so they can work longer and keep paying taxes. If the concern was for the well being of the people, they should augment the citizen's contribution to the social security pool with government money so people like this woman don't have to try and live on 11 bucks a month. This is also sexist. Women often found themselves staying hoe with children and couldn't work for an extended period, thus not having the opportunity to contribute to social security. Thus at retirement they don't have a lot coming to them. I myself have a very small social security payout because for 22 years I was a musician, and our band didn't exactly have a 401K and pay medical or pay into social security. And before that I was a mailman for some years and that is PERS, not FICA. My military time, and resulting medical conditions thereof, afford me a disability check that is the majority of my income. I actually had someone say I am "lucky" to have that. Well, if you consider Agent Orange induced diabetes, erectile dysfunction from the diabetes, PTSD and a badly damaged knee (that they JUST allowed me to get surgically repaired 45 years later, and THAT only thanks to Trump's Mission Act) lucky, then okay. I'm lucky.

But that is what I mean by keeping people alive longer and not taking care of them. People can't work forever. Shejeans and her physical limitations can't exactly work in an Amazon warehouse (like a lot of RV nomads do) running 15 miles in their shift.
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Ouf that's cold even for an exceptionally hairy yeti such as myself. Is there any way you can move closer to the many, fine New Mexican beachs to take advantage of the oceans temperature moderation?

Alas, New Mexico is a landlocked continental climate state located in the USA. You may be thinking of old Mexico.
Taos NM $$ Beautiful area but, Not a cheap place to reside. Many artisans and wealthy people there, Not unlike Bisbee AZ and Sedona AZ.
"What card are you carrying?" ;)
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And as a rule, none of that group have youtube and patreon accounts begging for money from strangers. While shooting video on a $2000 camera, including drone footage, and editing it with professional editing software on a extreme rocket sauce computer. All paid for by donations from the dumbasses who support them.

Actually that is not true. If you think about what these politicians are focused on, what is the battle cry of the liberals? "Medicare for all!" Well, what they mean is MedicAID. The free, welfare based program that the working public pays for. Nothing in the world is free. It may be free to the end consumer, but somebody is paying for it. That somebody is everybody with a job who pays taxes. Free college? Free health insurance? Really, Bernie? Free? THAT part of his speech he yells so the cameras record it. The part he whispers is "Yes. Taxes will go up." Then he attempts to validate that by adding "But they won't go up any more than what you would have been paying for expensive health insurance anyway. Well, if that's the case, get them get the expensive health care. I am not using their health care plan. I refuse to pay for it. And THAT is attempting to keep people alive longer, and it is obvious that the goal there is NOT a concern for the people. It is an attempt to keep them healthy so they can work longer and keep paying taxes. If the concern was for the well being of the people, they should augment the citizen's contribution to the social security pool with government money so people like this woman don't have to try and live on 11 bucks a month. This is also sexist. Women often found themselves staying hoe with children and couldn't work for an extended period, thus not having the opportunity to contribute to social security. Thus at retirement they don't have a lot coming to them. I myself have a very small social security payout because for 22 years I was a musician, and our band didn't exactly have a 401K and pay medical or pay into social security. And before that I was a mailman for some years and that is PERS, not FICA. My military time, and resulting medical conditions thereof, afford me a disability check that is the majority of my income. I actually had someone say I am "lucky" to have that. Well, if you consider Agent Orange induced diabetes, erectile dysfunction from the diabetes, PTSD and a badly damaged knee (that they JUST allowed me to get surgically repaired 45 years later, and THAT only thanks to Trump's Mission Act) lucky, then okay. I'm lucky.

But that is what I mean by keeping people alive longer and not taking care of them. People can't work forever. Shejeans and her physical limitations can't exactly work in an Amazon warehouse (like a lot of RV nomads do) running 15 miles in their shift.
okay, say that you're one many of USAmerica's working poor schmucks and you don't make much money relative to today's rampant inflation that goes un and under reported by the wholly corrupt, self serving, legislative favor for sale corporate monopoly known as US Government. And even though you don't make much money in today's world of over printed, under backed, shrinking Federal reserve monopoly notes, you none the less are still working but you won't be paying market price for health insurance, so you go with out. Well, the government employed suckles do not have to worry about affordable healthcare cause they are getting theirs, "free", or at least heavily subsidized. The politicians don't have to worry about affordable healthcare neitha, cause after all, like the lower ranking government employed suckles, theyz entitled to free health care courtesy of the working poor majority too. And the rich gits don't have to worry about affordable healthcare, why, because their Rich Gits!? So the same old common core senseless culture of, "I've got my government cheese, now dry up and blow away, leach", is still pervasive amongst US America's government, common core cluelessly raised, self enslaving proletariat. ~ Now, where'd that clicker get to, gotta sit and watch the national communistic game's, Bob forbid I go outside and get a modicum of excercise and do my part to reduce the astronomical cost of healthcare as a result of the cost of the national obesity epidemic that no one talks about.
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It was 3 degrees F in Taos when I woke up this morning. Two days ago the winds were so strong it twice blew out the wall furnace pilot light. Now the sun is up and it's a balmy 5F! Van dwellers aren't in Taos from November through May. But the other 5 months it's doable.

I can tolerate it when I'm skiing; that's about it.
Well, you have received some interesting replies on here.

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If you are ever in central NM, I have an RV pad on my property with grid power that you are welcome to use for a while. I'll show you the ins and outs of camping for free on public land :)

diy solar

diy solar